Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Ramadan 2023

Ramadan 2023 Mubarak!

Here's my extremely late post wishing Ramadan Mubarak here on my blog. The last ten days of the month are left and I finally decide to drag myself online and type up a post! Haha! I've been busy. I've been laying low. I've been trying my best. I spent my resting hours of the fasts playing Hogwarts Legacy and Sims, scrapbooking, crafting, and simply trying to relax my brain. It's been peaceful but also difficult. There's been so much going on I just couldn't bring myself to post on time when the month began.

I've been dealing with a challenging Ramadan. In addition to my usual Ramadan troubles (migraines and IBS flare ups) I've also had to deal with keeping my weight in check. All that beautiful weight loss progress I have made just can't go down this year in Ramadan. I've been working out after finishing the fast every night. It is tough. Very tough. On more than several occasions I have thought about taking a day off and skipping the workout but I haven't allowed myself even a single day of excuses. I haven't lost any weight in Ramadan but I haven't gained any either and that is a big achievement because I always swell up real bad every year by the time Ramadan ends! Hahaha! That is like BIG achievement for me to not have gained any weight at all. I can do this! I'm almost done! Just ten more days of working out while you're feeling half dead left!

Just like every year's tradition, I made my New Moon cookies to celebrate the start of Ramadan. I also made the Ramadan Celebration cookies again this year. The New Moons were a beautiful bright shade of yellow and the Ramadan Celebration cookies were marbled Yellow and Turquoise. Since I am restricting myself to keep my weight in check, I only tasted one non-decorated cookie without the fondant. Abbie and the kids got to devour the deliciousness along with the Snickerdoodles! Yummmmm. It makes me so happy to see them eating my cookies. It's like I did something to make Ramadan magical for them all! Feels so good!

I hope Ramadan was beautifully peaceful and full of blessings for everyone who observes it all around the world. I hope the good vibes of the month rub off on all human beings and stay permanently stuck to them so they can be better humans for the rest of the year as well. Praying for the world to be a better place for my Bubbster babies than it was for me. Praying for all things good and awesome for Abbie and I! Praying, praying, and praying some more.

Ramadan Mubarak! Enjoy some detailed pictures of my beautiful Ramadan cookies!

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