The April A to Z Blogging Challenge was time consuming for me especially because my April was super busy. So when March ended I spent my time scheduling posts for the challenge instead of posting my March comics. You know what that means - TWO months' comics in this entry! Yayyyyyyyy!

When March began we were still on our trip to Pakistan. With our last few days left, Abbie and I had packed early and were totally ready to board our flights back home! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!

Ahhhhhhh, the feeling of being back home. Seriously, home is where the heart is and there is no place like home! It felt so awesome being back!

Sleeping in my own bed after a month felt heavenly. My comfortable mattress, the pillow that fit my neck perfectly, the familiar part of the ceiling above me as I lay in bed. Blessing ...

But no matter how awesome it felt coming back home there was a slight problem ... BUGS. Spring and Summer are my least favorite seasons because all the bugs that stay away during Fall and Winter finally decide to come out and haunt me! Spring is always that horrible season when the spiders come out and surely, there they were. I found and ran away from three within three days ... I thaught I was going to die!

Yeah. Pretty much. March was extremely boring. I was jet lagged and being back after a month felt like such a big disconnect in my life that I couldn't put my stuff back together. I'd forgotten all the plans I'd made for my blog and for my room ... I felt lost and bored and then ...

It was the worst worst worst few days of our lives as we ALL - the entire house! - ended up with stomach flu. We were pooping and throwing up our entire insides at the same time. The first day I was fine and took care of mama, bro, and Abbie but by the time it was dark and night fell upon us I too was down and sick. It was BAD. Our stomachs were hurting like crazy and we were throwing up BIG time. We were dehydrated and weak and felt sick to our bones.

Thank goodness we regained our health back and got back to our daily routine. During the month of April, once everything was well settled again, we got some quality Ladies Dates' time. We shopped at the mall, hung out, and had some delicious lunches. I love our Ladies Dates where mama, Abbie, and I eat a good bite, enjoy some good shopping (sometimes even the window kind!) and have a good time.

I am soooooooooooo in the groove and ready to try and cook a gazillion new delicious dishes!
Of course all that I do will show up right here on my lovely blog!

The most awesome part of April was the April A to Z Blogging Challenge!
For an entire month my blog was full of MOUTHWATERING AND DELICIOUS pictures of some of my yummiliciously fantabulously awesome bakes. While I blogged about my baking, Abbie took part in the challenge with me and blogged her amazing pieces of advice that were worth noting down and keeping with your forever! Let me stop talking and link back to all the awesomeness I just described. Find Abbie's blog right here ~*~*~*~ ... and find my A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal and Index right here ~*~*~*~

We were such awesome participants! Yayyyy us!

I read that they are expected by the end of May and I can't deal with it!
God Forbid!
Oh dear God PLEASE kill the cicadas underground!!!

And another super sad sad news I read online. Seriously, if Bitstrips' app finishes (which I think is happening!) it will be horrible. It'll mean these super duper fun and awesome Comics entries at the end of each month will stop. There will be no comics. Can you imagine a world without comics? Oh my God, can you? I think I'll faint ... this is too much to handle!
*insert over dramatic background music here*
Who even knows if this might just be my last Comics entry?
Will there be the app for me to post next month?
Let's see ... *fingers crossed*
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