Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The Wall of Fabulosity and Desk Makeover


I am extremely delighted, ecstatic, overjoyed, and proud to present The Wall of Fabulosity! *Fabulosity echoes* It took six months to get my siblings to find the time to help me put everything up on the wall but after six months of extreme patience and intense longing it was all worth it! Because LOOK at how FABULOUS the Wall of Fabulosity now looks!

Oh wait, before I show off close ups. Special thanks to Abbie, le designer, le concepteur, le big-sister-eur behind this beauty. (If you didn't read that in a heavy French accent please go back and read it again!) And of course special thanks to the bro who came after SIX months to hang that one magnetic board because I was too scared to drill a hole in the wall myself. If it weren't for these two, there'd be no Wall of Fabulosity to show off in the first place! Now that my thank you speech is done, it's SHOW OFF time!

Every single piece that is part of this gallery wall comes straight from my heart. I spent at least a month planning this out. I knew the look I wanted and I made sure everything was exactly to my liking. I wanted girly and cute but not childish, suited to the kidult that I am. I knew I wanted some vintage pieces on my desk to scream the 1990's generation that I belong to. I wanted hearts and polka dots and lots of colors. I wanted sass and fabulousness and gorjabulousness! Yes, all of those are words, at least in my dictionary. Check everything out up close!

Isn't everything super cute? I am so happy with it, I can't even put it into proper words how happy this makes me. It really truly is my happy place! I do want to special mention a couple pieces ...

If you've known me for a while you'll know I have a special place in my heart for the alphabets XoXo! Maybe it has to do with my love for the show Gossip Girl or maybe I find it incredibly cute and girly ... but I just knew I wanted XoXo to be in my collage somehow. This was a DIY that turned out to be SUPER beautiful! They're wooden paint-your-own-letters from Target Mondo Llama but instead of painting them I used washi tapes to create this beautiful look. Best part is, I can change the look any time I want by changing the washi tape designs so this will forever be awesome!

My next special mention is my Lego Dots Message Board! I got Gubby a little Lego Dots pencil holder thingy a long time back and since then had fallen in love with the way Lego Dots stuff looks. It was so ... ME! When I searched to check what else they had and if there was anything that would work for my collage I found this message board and instantly knew this was made for me. It is another customizable piece which is awesome! The purple is such a beautiful color and currently I've written 'Happy Place' on it because yesssssss, this is my happy place!

Next special mentions are my camera and my vintage TV! Okay, these are SO cute! I found the camera at the Dollar Store last year and have since hung on to it waiting to somehow have it on my wall. The TV is from Target's Bullseye Playground. These were supposed to be phone holders and they are all the rage and going viral on Insta. However, I have chosen to use this TV as a picture frame instead. It was Abbie's genius idea! I told her I loved them but didn't have a use for them and she said, "We'll use it as a picture frame!" SOLD. Hahaha! Currently I haven't changed the picture that was already in it but I will be doing it soon! Not sure what I want to display in there yet!

This special mention goes out to the piece that is my MOST favorite in the entire collage! The Drama Queen Street sign! THIS WAS MADE FOR ME. Okay? This was just MADE for me!!! And the fact that it is hot pink! I just LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEE this so much!!!

The Wall of Fabulosity looks perfect behind my desk which has gotten its own little makeover ever since I moved stuff around in my room. My desk now has its own corner instead of being in the middle of my Potterific shelves and bed like it used to. That's why I got the larger space for the extended collage too. But having more space also meant I got to add a cute little shelf next to the desk to add more room on it and to create some more storage space for myself. It is such a cute little addition, it makes my heart happy! Oooooh and I want to show off something cute on my desk too.

Big shout out to the cassette shaped pen holder and tape dispenser! I love it so much! I initially bought this to stick it on to the wall as well but it has this little piece jutting out from behind which makes it impossible to be flush against the wall and since it wasn't looking too nice I decided it would stay on my desk instead! I do plan on cute-ning up my desk some more sometime. I will also be adding seasonal decor to it now that Fall has begun but I think this part will stay this way no matter which season it is!

I'm just so in love with the way all of this has come together! Having my desk and wall makeover finally complete has given me an instant burst of excitement and inspiration. I'm getting my new scrapbook started, already getting back to blogging with this beautiful post, and planning SO much more in my head! Can't wait to be seated here creating awesomeness and doing awesomeness and enjoying my awesome space! That's a lot of awesome and I love it!