Saturday, September 10, 2022

Blue's Clues Birthday Party! Because We're Really Smart!

Have you seen my dog Blue?
She's looking for you too!
Let's begin with the paw print!
Everybody's looking for Blue's Clues! And you!
Come on in! Come on in!
It's Blue's Clues!
Step by step, yes! Clue by clue ...
Lets think it through ... it's Blue's Clues and you!

If you sang your way through all of that, you've reached the right place! Because today I'm sharing the adorable Blue's Clues themed birthday party Abbie and I hosted for our darling nephew Hushly! My little cutie patootie of a nephew turned TWO years old this August and since his favorite cartoon is quite obviously Blue's Clues and You it was the perfect theme for his party!

After me, he is the only one in the family who shows THIS much excitement when Blue and Josh appear on screen. The little ladies like it too but it isn't their most favorite like it is mine and Hushly's. I actually used to watch Blue's Clues when I was a kid myself and it used to be my favorite. The good old Steve days! So of course I love the new version with Josh too! I love it even more actually. So secretly, this party was for me too! Hahaha! I really really enjoyed designing and making the cake and planning out the decorations with Abbie! SUPER FUN! Now since I mentioned cake and that's what I'm best at, let me start by showing off the adorable cake I made!

The Blue's Clues and You Birthday Cake!

For this adorable cake I wanted to create the entire scene that they show at the beginning of the cartoon. I wanted Hushly to recognize the house, the characters, the whole bright and happy intro of the cartoon. So the bottom tier had the entire scene and then the top tier had Blue's paw prints all around. Because you can't play Blue's Clues without the paw prints right?! At the very top sat the famous Thinking Chair! This cake had so many tiny details which were loved by the Bubbsies! They recognized the yellow squiggles of the Skidoo frame and the squiqqly pattern on the red roof too! All the toy characters looked so cute all over the cake. The house, the clouds, the tree with the tire swing hanging off one of its branches, the little flowers. I was able to re create the cartoon's intro and it made me so happy! The cake looked so ALIVE and vibrant and had such a fun vibe!

Honestly, I'm jealous of these kids. They have me making such beautiful and adorable cakes for them. How come I didn't have a Blue's Clues cake when I was a kid? Hahaha! How unfair is that? Imagine how awesome it would have been if I had this cake for my birthday! I would have LOVED it! I would actually still love a Blue's Clues birthday party! My thirty first maybe? Hahahaha!

Next up, I want to show off the birthday party decor! I found an adorable blanket that had Blue seated on the Thinking Chair and I bought it instantly to create the backdrop of the party. It looked so cute! We made sure we had plush toys of the characters and paw prints scattered all around. Abbie created the cutest labels and signs to display with the food. We blew up colorful balloons to be floating all around the place randomly. We even got Blue's Clues themed goodie bags and packed some tiny toys, Blue Clues stamps and stickers, and sweets for the kiddos! It was all one big adorable party for one little adorable nephew! Take a look at all the details!

Isn't that an adorable party backdrop? Our pictures turned out SO cute sitting with the big Blue behind us and the plush toys as props in our hands. Hushly decided to act all serious and shy for the camera! But his birthday attitude made our pictures even more adorable! Check out the rest of the decor with the food too! The goodie bags, the Blue's Clues plates, the Handy Dandy Notebooks Abbie printed with clues of what was on the menu! SO CUTE!

Adorable! Adorable!!! LOADS OF ADORABLE!!!

What an absolutely adorable birthday party this one was! I can't wait for my babies to grow up and look at all the pictures and tell me we did an AWESOME job at being aunties. But I don't want them growing up too fast at the same time, growing out of their soft little hands, bright eyes looking for their Beeya, and cute cheeks smiling at me. Does that make sense?

We sure did a good job! 'Cause if you use your mind, take a step at a tiiiiiime! You can do anything that you wanna do. OooOooooh.

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