I love the concept of gifts (especially being on the receiving end!) and go crazy with happiness when I receive gifts that I'd been craving for or looking forward to. So I've decided to create my Wish List to make it easier for the world to buy gifts for the one and only Saraallie! I'll keep updating this list as and when I desire. What may be on my list today may change tomorrow. You know why? Because I said so, duh!

Harry Potter Funko Pops: I had so so so many specifications about the Funko Pops I wanted that I decided to create a Harry Potter Funko Wish List! It has all the details and you can find it RIGHT HERE to see what all I want!

Washi Tape: Gift me lots and lots and lots and lots of Washi Tape. Thank you! All colors, kinds, looks, and everything is greatly loved and appreciated! WASHI TAPE YUMMMMMMM! I can never have enough Washi and can never say no to it! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!

Marvelous Molds: I have my eyes on EVERYTHING on the Marvelous Molds website. I already have the Damask Onlay, the Double Wedding Ring Onlay, the Fleur De Lis Pattern Onlay, and the Moroccan Lattice Onlay ... so no repeating those! Oh and every single one of their molds is awesome but I specifically am drooling over their Betty Lace Mold, all of the Brooch Molds, the Feather Molds are super pretty too, and omg the tassels and swags are so pretty, particularly the Grand Tassel Drop!

Long Necklaces: I am crazy crazy crazy for long length necklaces! I've never been a great fan of short necklaces since I started dressing up. I'd loveeeeee lots and lots of long length necklaces! I think I can never have too many! I'm currently looking for the colors black and silver (together or separate two necklaces!) but any other colors will be loved just as much! Just keep 'em coming.

Perfumes: I absolutely LOVE perfumes. Bath and Body Works is my favorite! (The more choices I have the better the day is!)

Engraved Rolling Pins: They are so gorgeous! I don't even know where you find these but oh my God am I in love with them!
That's all I have ... FOR NOW!
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