Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Three Things That Are Most Important In Life

Being YOUnique
To me, right now, nothing in life is more important than being me. I see fakers all around and they really tick me off. I've never been able to fake or become someone I am not just to please people. And I believe that has gotten me very far in life. It has helped me maintain my standards, stay in love with myself, respect myself, and stay very strong in my morals and values. Definitely, staying true to yourself, being exactly who you are no matter where you go or who you're around, and projecting the purest form of YOU is one of the most important things in life.

Self Love
Oh I would have been a mess had I not developed a love for myself so strong that it became my Patronus charm. The kind of nasty opinions I hear about myself, the level of rumors and false accusations, the hate words spoken to me and about me ... they'd have turned me insane by now. I have spoken time and again on my blog about loving myself being the most important thing in life and I stand by it like a rock. If you won't love yourself nobody else will. If you won't love yourself you'll be left in the world unloved, disrespected, and depressed. If there's anything that's saved my sanity over the years it is the love I have for myself.

Nope, there is nothing selfish or greedy about this one. Money is extremely important in life. It kills me when I see the less privileged, whether they be the beggars with nothing or those who have something but not enough to make ends meet. It just pains me. I am so so so very thankful for whatever God has let my Dad has provide us. Often, I try imagining what life would have been like had I not had enough to support myself. Whether it be buying the basic necessities for staying alive, affording me a brilliant and thorough education, or indulging in stuff like craft hauls and Harry Potter merchandise just for fun ... I am so thankful for the money in my life. Money is definitely one of the most important things in life without which I'd have been nowhere.

This entry has been written for November Journaling Month 2018

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