Not once, not twice, THRICE! Thrice, MENA MASSOUD ... THE Aladdin of Agrabah ... the one and only Mena Massoud replied back to me on the internet. It was crazy! It was unbelievable! It was ... real? Like did it really happen? Was this even happening? Like, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? A Disney prince replied to ME?! *eyes widen until they fall out*
I remember every single instance as clearly as if it were replaying in front of my eyes live like a movie. Where I was when I received the reply, what time it was, what was happening around me. How I saw the notifications, what I thought, what I felt, what followed ... EVERY little detail. It was crazayyyy! Each time I received a reply it was surreal. Regular life normal human beings don't bother replying to me and THIS guy ... THIS famous guy had chosen to respond to me out of the million other people sending him messages?! Again, was this even real?
It was real! As unbelievable as it was, it is very very very much REAL that Mena Massoud decided to reply back to Saraallie thrice! I received THREE replies from Mena. THREEEEEEEEE! And surprisingly all three happened when I wasn't even trying to receive a response from him. Okay, I admit I had tried various times during chat sessions and all, hoping I'd be one of the lucky ones who get a response from him, but none of those had ever worked. And then when I wasn't even trying, when I was just randomly tweeting, it worked! Hahahaha! Unbelievable!
The First Time!
The first time is always the best one of course. You don't expect it coming and then suddenly it is there and your heart can't handle it and your mind can't process it. That is exactly what happened with me. It was late night and I was so tired when I finally got into bed. Before sleeping, I got about to my usual pre-sleep-internet-scrolling routine and noticed he had tweeted something about his parents using the phone. My eyes were tired and I randomly sent in a reply. Moments later a notification appeared on my screen leaving my eyes wide open, all signs of sleep and tiredness gone. My hands shook, I mean, they actually shook, hahahahaha, as I clicked on the notification. My tummy hurt. This was clearly not what it looked like, it couldn't be, it wasn't possible? ... and then DHAN DHAN DHANNNNNN. It had happened. Mena Massoud had tweeted back to me!!!
Big broblem. Very big broblem. Right?
— Saraallie ✨ (@sara_allie) December 21, 2019
I learn-edd za fone because I hafe 2 habibi
— Mena Massoud (@MenaMassoud) December 21, 2019
Unbelieeeeevableeeee siiiiights! Indescriiibableee feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings! Soaring, tumbling, free wheeeeeeeelinggggggggggggggggg ...... okay shut up Sara. Hahahahahahaha! That's how my heart actually felt though, no kidding. This must be what Princess Jasmine felt like on the magic carpet ... no ground beneath me, flying away, sheer magic. I remember laying there, smiling wide in the dark. What on earth had just happened? How? Why? Why me? I mean. Oh my God! And why was I smiling so wide?! Hahahaha! My first thought: this is not real ... My second thought: *heart explodes* ... My third thought: I have to send a screenshot to Abbie immediately! THIS WAS FANTABULOUS!!!
12/21/19 at 1:37am @MenaMassoud tweets back to meeeee 😁 What a perfect 2019 finale for me! Hahahaha 🤩✨#Aladdin #disney
— Saraallie ✨ (@sara_allie) December 21, 2019
The Second Time!
The second time it happened it wasn't believable either. This time I wasn't even replying to a tweet so I wasn't even thinking of a reply. Actually this time I hadn't even tweeted at him. I had just tweeted about him. We were well into the dreadful Covid lockdown and I wasn't liking how he had gone silent. No Evolving Vegan videos showing up, no story updates, no tweets, no random fun stuff, nothing! He was just silent. I missed his videos. They were always so happy and fun they lifted up my mood on the worst of days. But he wasn't posting anything anymore. So one fine day I randomly tweeted my thoughts and then forgot about it. Days later ... it happened!!!
I don’t follow the pack what can I say 😂
— Mena Massoud (@MenaMassoud) May 20, 2020
I tweeted on May 17th and I had forgotten I even did it by the time he replied. Because it was just a random thought expressed as a tweet, you know? It wasn't meant for him to reply to or anything. On May 20th, three days later, when I received a notification that had his name in it I was staring wide eyed. WHAT? What did my phone say? Had my phone gone mad? I let the notification take me to the beautiful tweet which left my mouth hanging open. Noooooooooo wayyyyyyyyyyy. This person had decided to finally log on to his Twitter after ages and out of the gazillion tweets he must have received ... MINE! He chose to respond to mine! Huge. My smile was huge. I was grinning madly like I had lost my mind. Of course I showed it to Abbie immediately. I also told my niece Gubby who was sitting right next to me, "Hey look, Aladdin has tweeted to Beeya again!!!" ... WHAT A MOMENT!
5/20/20 3:23pm! Mena Massoud’s SECOND reply to my tweet!!! 😁🤩 So are we friends now? Hahahahahha!!! This is sooooo cool! 😁🤩#menamassoud @MenaMassoud
— Saraallie ✨ (@sara_allie) May 20, 2020
The Third Time!
Okay, it had happened on Twitter so far but this timmeeeeeeee it happened on Instagram! YES. I managed to get a Disney prince to reply to me across TWO social media platforms! What awesomeness is this?! What is even happening? Wait, am I dreaming? Third time on Instagram he posted an announcement thingy about the launch of his first ever book Evolving Vegan. So naturally, I had to post a comment. But who knewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that HE would REPLY to MY comment?! *faints*
Can you believe this? I can't believe this. Can you believe this? Can you BELIEVE this!?!? *mouth hangs open all the way to the ground* You know secretly I think my comment gave him the idea that even chicken-eaters can get his book. Next post he published said exactly what I wrote ... *puts her cool face on*
Okay no, I'm kidding. He replied to me thrice but I'm not making THAT big of an impact. Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut he replied THRICE ... threeeeeeeeeeeeeee. YAY!
BONUS! There Is a Fourth Time!
There was no fourth time when I started typing this blog post. But my humans made it impossible for me to finish the blog post in a few days. A week later, as I log back on and finish my beautiful post I have a FOURTH instance to report and show off! Okay, now this is getting crazy!!! His book finally got published and he posted this super sweet video with the happiness of becoming an author evident on his face. He unboxed his first ever BOOK book on camera and it was a treat to watch him take it all in. So I obviously commented. Little did I know that I'd end up just as baffled. He liked my tweet! He only logged on to post that video across all channels and he stayed for like two seconds and in those two seconds he liked my tweet!!! After that he just left. *collapses ... soul leaves her body and rises in the air Tom and Jerry style*

And now your life is complete. Right?��
ReplyDeleteHahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaahahaha! I just cannot stop laughing! :D
DeleteI hope you'll join OctoPhoMo on Facebook! I love yours and your sister's photos!
Oh heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! :D
DeleteSo happy to hear from you! I'm definitely going to check out the Facebook group :D