Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Sara's Word ~ The End Is Near. So Is The Beginning!

Ah, December.
That time of the year when I'm nearing the end and yet stepping towards a new beginning.

New Years are so very special, especially to me. I take the start of my new year very seriously and must make sure of two things in particular. First, my new year's eve and the actual first day of the new year has to be consciously good. And second, I must reflect upon the entire past year no matter where I am or what is happening around me. It's just absolutely necessary for me to do.

You know, 2018 hasn't been my year. It felt like I fell into a running blender. Life has tossed and turned me around, shaken me up, and tried its best to crush me. I've stood strong and somehow survived through to the other end but not without difficulty. The year was physically and emotionally excruciatingly draining for me and I am officially done now. I have nothing to do with the remaining few days of December anymore. I want the year finished and a new one to begin which will hopefully be kinder to me. And it better be nice to me because I literally have had it. There's a human limit everyone has and mine has been reached countless times such that the finish line has rubbed off.

*Sighs* I am so done with this year that I don't even have much left to say anymore. So I've decided this will be one of my last blog posts for 2018. I'll be using these last few days to work on my New Year Blog Review. I love putting together a fabulous year-end blog review and I'll be needing time to do it too. Coming up next shall be lots of awesomeness! Did I keep my 2018 Resolutions? A Happy Holidays message from me! A Happy New Year greeting! Highlights of 2018 in pictures! The grand annual blog review! My year in books straight from Good Reads! My New Year 2019 resolutions! My year 2018 in movies! ... that's all the stuff I have planned! It shall be awesome!

So I'll be back with lots of awesomeness.
Here's hoping 2019 shall be kinder to me!
Until then,


  1. As I read your words, I realized how similarly 2018 has treated me. My boyfriend had surgery to remove the prostate (he had prostate cancer) and it seemed like my finances were not stable at all. Now that things are somewhat better, I'm also hopeful that 2019 is better for everyone. Good luck and happy holidays!

    1. Happy new year AJ Monique!
      Sorry to hear about your boyfriend and his surgery. I really really hope and pray you have a fabulous year ahead of you!
      Good luck!
