Friday, January 25, 2019

Graphics To Love!

In case one wonders what these 'Graphics To Love' are all about!
Each month I post about five Graphics which I come across while randomly surfing the web. Beautiful, hilarious, and relatable things show up in my social media feeds every day. Often, a lot of these graphics spark thoughts in my head which I want to blog about. So I put some of the best ones together in one blog post and chit chat away! None of the graphics are mine and most of them are being shared without credit so they can't even be traced! I just like to spend a few minutes speaking my mind. So here they are ...

Totally impossible. Life is just impossible! Hahaha! Listen to me!!! I have lately been hating getting up in the morning. I feel like smacking whoever it is who is waking me up even though they are innocent! I just want to sleep a little extra in the morning and then wake up to Chai and paapa (rusk) instead of the shower-and-spring-into-action mode. No. I want to wake up, have Chai, dip my paapa in it, and then laze around a bit before I 'spring into action'. Is that too much to ask?

This is so so so true that when this popped up in my feed I read it twice to make sure it was actually there - that I wasn't imagining it. Mama does it so many times! Always the emotional blackmail about 'I will die and then you'll know my worth' ... death of a parent is NO WAY funny and should NOT be used as emotional blackmail by these Desi parents. Not acceptable and yet all Desi parents do this. They are in this self assumed Baghban movie mode ... unacceptable!

Yes, I have. And in such circumstances I have gone ahead and stopped associating with such folks. Sometimes what comes out of you is not hate, sometimes it is disrespect and disappointment and the shock of realizing how low somebody can stoop. I have felt disrespect, pity, and the need to reject such people in my life. My feelings aren't about 'OMG I hate this person', but instead they're 'OMG this is unbelievably low of a human being' and that is always followed by my need to detach from such people. Hopeless. Not worth my time or emotion at all. 

First let me translate this for those who don't understand Urdu/Hindi.
*Arrange marriage meeting*
The guy's family: Don't be shy, if you have a question go ahead and ask away.
Me: If you all aren't eating this Samosa may I eat it?
And now let me laugh! Hhahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha! THIS IS ME. I would totally be capable of doing this! When this graphic popped up in my feed I just died laughing!

Mandy Hale! I've read two books by Mandy and I love her style of writing. She literally writes what I think and sometimes even post on my blog. As I've made very clear various times before, self love is VERY important to me and that is why this quote by Mandy Hale struck a chord. Various chords actually. It is true. Back when I did not indulge in loving myself because I was told I was selfish when I did so I ended up running after people only to find they did not even want me in their lives. The day I realized that I was heart broken but also felt stupid. No. Just no! No more running after people since then and look how happy I have become!


  1. I loved reading this! What a lovely mixture of humour and deep thoughts. I especially love the last graphic and I think that's so true. You have to learn to be content in your own company and to love yourself just as you are :) x

    1. Exactly! Completely agree with that one :)
      Thank you for commenting!
