Friday, April 12, 2019

Knight Bus - Please Come and Take Me

Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board and we can take you anywhere you want to go.
- Stan Shunpike

Okay, I'm standing on the curb with my wand hand out. I'm stranded and lost and completely in need of some emergency rescuing too. I desperately need to go somewhere. So can the Knight Bus please just pull over in front of my house now? I mean, how long do I have to wait exactly? *laughs*

On a serious note, how awesome would it be to really have the Knight Bus exist in my world, right? Right! I wouldn't need to worry about driving at all (still nervous when changing lanes!) and could go literally anywhere I wanted to. I'd just stick my wand arm out and it would appear and take me around without any stress at all. Cherry on top, I'd get to meet witches and wizards on board the bus too. This sounds perfect!

See, I have bad luck, I drive extra carefully but somebody else always decides to err around me. Like just a week or two ago I had a near death experience. A car decided to turn onto me in the middle of a straight road. I mean, I'm not in your blind spot, I am driving in clear sight ahead of you in the lane beside you and you somehow decide to turn on TOP of me? And the genius even had their turn signals on so it meant they were actually turning on my car. I don't know how I am alive. Thank God for good luck and reflexes that I was able to swerve right and brake really hard to avoid getting crushed to death. The idiot's car banged against my side mirror so hard it shut itself closed. Miraculously we survived and the car came out without even a scratch, even though the hit to my mirror was pretty hard and the crashing sound that occurred was seriously scary. So many things could have gone wrong that day. There was a ditch to my side I could have fallen into because of sudden swerving, a car could be next to me and I could have become sandwiched, a car was behind me pretty close and had they not braked in time they'd have hit me from behind too. It was nothing less than a miracle to come out of there alive. Now had I been traveling in the Knight Bus THAT scare probably wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't be responsible for taking care of the car and the folks in it. That stress wouldn't have been mine!

Another major one on my list of dislikes: highways! I obviously need to let my fear of driving out and away before I even think about highways, or maybe I'll never think about them at all. So of course I can't go to a lot of places on my own which require driving highways. The Knight Bus would just drive me everywhere, wouldn't it? How very cool!

The Knight Bus at the Wizarding World is such a fun picture spot!

Imagine, I stick my wand arm out, Stan gets off the fiercely purple crazy Knight Bus and welcomes me in. I go in and I find HARRY POTTER riding the bus. With HERMIONE AND RON! And oh my God who all else, can you imagine? It would be so much fun and so very exciting to ride with witches and wizards. Trust me, I'm quite done with Muggles and this Muggle world. I really don't fit here. It's about time I got some wizard/witch company. Mmmhmm ... serious.

*sighs* The Knight Bus sounds so good to me. If I wish hard enough for it will it come true? I have often wondered how exciting traveling is in the Wizarding World. Floo Network, brooms, Portkeys, Apparition. I don't think I'd do too well through the Floo Network, I'd probably get Floo-sick. Brooms I'd love to try. Portkeys would make me sick too, just like Newt told Jacob they would. Apparition might be my thing because I can be very determined when need be, but I may not love it for the fear of splinching. Yikes! So basically it seems like Knight Bus is my best option.

Now, suppose Stan does get off the bus and ask me to step inside. Then he asks me where I want to go. Guess where that would be? THE WIZARDING WORLD, ORLANDO. Take me there please. Take me there right now. Don't want to stop on the way, don't want any interference. Just please, oh please, take me there straight! I desperately want to go. Desperation counts in bringing the Knight Bus to you quickly, right? *laughs*

Come find me and my Potterhead lifestyle:

Follow Abbie's Potterific A to Z entries on her blog right here!

This entry belongs to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge 2019 - The Potterific A to Z.
For a full list of all of my entries this year click here!


  1. There used to be a particular bus that went from the train station to my dorm in Budapest. The driver was horrible, he sped and weaved in big city traffic, and sometimes didn't even slow down before opening the doors at a stop. We called it the Knight Bus, after the movie scene :D

    The Multicolored Diary

    1. Hahahaha! That is so cool! Not the bad driving part, but the way you have an actual Knight Bus reference! :D
