Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Time Turner ~ How Would I Use It?

"Time is making fools of us again ..." - Albus Dumbledore

Ah, time, what a complicated thing. You live through good times, you live through bad times, and you live through not-so-good-nor-bad times; all the while, though, time keeps passing. Time stops for nobody. Time may change, time may slow down, time may speed up ... but time won't stop. Not for me, not for you, not for anybody - even though at times it may seem like it did. It does not go back for anybody either, not unless you own a Time Turner. What a genius invention in the Potterverse and something I'd love to have. But the question is why do I need it and how would I use it?

I need the Time Turner for so many reasons actually that I think I might be the one person in the entire world who most deserves to have it. While I'm not going back to save Buckbeak and Sirius Black from painful deaths my reasons are pretty significant too. For one, I'd like to add more hours to me day. Yes, I'd like that very much. And also I want to relive certain moments of my life, certain times, certain memories that fill my heart with joy - a feeling I don't get to enjoy often thanks to how hectic life has become along the passage of time.

I've been beleaguered by life and this thing called 'adulting'. An unfair share of responsibilities, troubles, worries, and stress have attacked me. On top of that I deal with a swarm of Dementors everyday, everywhere, every single moment of my life. I put up a great brave fight but sometimes even the strongest of Patronuses fall weak. At the end of a regular day you'd find me dead, drained of all energy, listless and blank. It feels like every inch of my body is dipped in tiredness and way too drenched and heavy to move. The blankness and brain fog leaves me incapable of doing anything for myself, anything that gives my self joy, even during the few free hours I have before it is bedtime. Unlike Hermione, I don't need more time to fit in more workload. Unlike her I'd like some extra hours each day to spare for myself. I'd like more me time, please. If I had a Time Turner I would totally give it a few extra spins, add some more hours to my day, and dedicate them entirely to the things I love doing most. Look at this ... just the thought is making me smile as I type.

There have been certain moments, certain times of my life that have been straight out of a fairy tale, when I've been so happy it felt like my heart had doubled in size and as if I could feel the joy in its physically manifested form, tugging at the sides of my heart, expanding it to the dangerous point of exploding. I'd like to relive those times and I need a Time Turner for it. Mainly there would be two points of my life where I'd repeatedly keep going back to: visiting the Wizarding World in Orlando and the last year of my high school ...

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is my place. It is where my heart feels the extremest of all kinds of emotions ranging from surprise to ebullience. I'm just the happiest person on earth when I'm at the Wizarding World. There is happiness in my heart, a huge smile on my face, a Butterbeer or Florean Fortescues ice cream in my hand, and not a care of the world on my head. I wonder if this is what Heaven would be like for me ... it's my peace, my calm, my excitement, my joy, my world! It is my home and I could do anything to go back there again and again and again - something a Time Turner would definitely help me with.

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The last year of my high school was a time when I could swear I was dreaming up a fictional happy story for myself. I was loved immensely, respected greatly, and wanted everywhere I went. I was the heartbeat of my circle of friends all of whom loved me (at least showed that they did). Everybody respected me be it my teachers or my friends .. or even my friends' parents and family members. I was that girl that everybody's parents wanted their kids to be like. Most importantly I was wanted. I was wanted to talk to, to share life with, to have a laugh with, to bring a smile on someone's face. I was wanted to be with. It felt so good. It was a time in my life when I was so happy it showed on my face - I was just always smiling because of all the love I had in my life. Unfortunately, that did not last. My 'friends' turned out to be craptards who ditched me when I moved away and I came across new circles where I was just never wanted. It was like a balloon suddenly deflated, whizzing around the entire place, until it finally landed on the ground with a dull sickly sound. The memories remain in my heart though, as fresh as they had happened just yesterday and I'd love to use a Time Turner to live those moments again.

Time does, indeed, make a fool of us, doesn't it?

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This entry belongs to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge 2019 - The Potterific A to Z.
For a full list of all of my entries this year click here!

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