Thursday, April 25, 2019

Voldemort ~ How My Feelings Towards Him Changed

For all I know, Voldemort is actually one of those villains who gives me chills and freaks me out. I thought the movie version of Voldemort was pretty toned down to be closer to a human being but the Voldemort in the books was just a monster. What's the most freaky about The Dark Lord is that he is a human who has gone to such extents of being evil, he has changed into a monster. You see violent villains and those with evil intentions and fussy natures but something about Voldemort is just different. He's sinister. He has no sentiments and I don't think he can feel at all. What scares me is how a normal human boy can become this empty evil soul ...

All these years I have hated Voldemort because of how evil he is. I've hated him for looking down on others. I've hated him for hating Harry Potter. I've hated him just like Rowling intended to have readers hate him. But something changed. I finished yet another re-read of Harry Potter recently and somehow this time it was more than just hate that I felt; Voldemort scared me and shook me even more than ever before. Maybe adulting does that to you? You know, make you feel the significance of evil even more. Or maybe life has just shaped me that way now that I ended up feeling evil even more strongly this time. I'm not sure. What I do know is that this time round Voldemort gave me a feeling of dread stronger than he did ever before.

I found myself nearly choking because my throat had gone dry reading about his entire history in the Half Blood Prince. He killed, and yes I knew that already, but he killed his family for nothing but to wipe off what he thought was a disgrace to his existence. He did go farther than anybody had ever done to become immortal, to have that power over life as well as death. He was comfortable ripping his soul many times. He was okay with killing even when there was no motive. Shedding blood meant nothing to him. He cared for nobody, he thought of nothing, he felt nothing. It makes me shiver ...

His obsession with killing Harry was just insanely despondent for me when I read the books this time. While reading the very last book when Voldemort addressed Hogwarts during the battle I was sitting in my bed, clutching my sheets like I was hanging on to them for dear life, goosebumps making the hairs at the back of my neck stand up. This time round I finally understood how for years the Wizarding World had feared him so much that they couldn't even speak his name. He really was that kind of evil that had I been alive in the Wizarding World during that time, I too may have feared even mentioning him.

I felt a new kind of severity for several things this time that I read the books. It wasn't just the fear of Voldemort that was greater, it was also the pity I felt for him. Dumbledore was right, I do feel pity for the life Voldemort chose for himself. Amidst the angst I felt this kind of pity that was full of disgust. It was as if this time I could see that pathetic baby-like loathsome creature in him throughout the book, which he eventually ended up becoming after he tried to kill Harry in the Forbidden Forest. 

Maybe the movies toned him down. Maybe the memes people hilariously created broke his spell of evil. I'm unsure. Somehow, I was in awe of how differently I felt towards Voldemort even after all these years of already hating him. My feelings have certainly changed towards him. They've gone from just plain hate and dislike to something much more deep and loathsome. I abhor Voldemort with more meaning and depth now.

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This entry belongs to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge 2019 - The Potterific A to Z.
For a full list of all of my entries this year click here!

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