Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Poke Them With Your Umbrella ~ Chalkboard Art for Spring 2019

I had made a mental note before Spring began this year that I would - for sure - update my room's chalkboards. So I did. I kept my word and one fine day I found some time to take down one of my chalkboards and erase the old stuff and get on to prettying it up again. I thought, "I'm going to make something pretty on this, something very Spring-y." I know that in my head I had planned something along the lines of rain showers and pretty flowers but when I finally picked up that chalk and my board this is what happened. I got the umbrella and the Spring showers of April and all, yes. But what followed was just so not about the season. *laughs*

"When people try to rain on your parade ... poke them in the eye with your umbrella!"

It's not my fault. I have always had an unfair share of the most pathetic people in the world. It's like all the craptards of the world fall in my vicinity and somehow end up in my destiny. Lately, I've been very upset and feeling horrible and this actually made so much more sense than some typical 'April showers bring May flowers' kind of chalkboard art. I'd read this online somewhere ages ago (most likely Pinterest) and it just popped in my head and I ended up writing it on my board.

I'm actually very happy with it. It hangs on my room's door, greeting whoever comes or passes by. I find comfort in reading it, in imagining it for real! Hahaha! How ideal and very fair the world would be if this was actually acceptable and possible, right? For now, though, I'll take the figurative meaning of it and be happy.

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