Monday, March 16, 2020

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas, and Kaput!

Toilet seat flushing ideas

February wrapped up and I was super duper charged and ready to do so much. I was going to make the most of the time I had. I was going to kick into a super creative mode and then just go whoooooosh as I conquered the world. I was going to blog regularly and ooooh the brilliant ideas I had. I was going to scrapbook away and get awesome stuff out of that printer one after the other. I was going to pick up my Wreck This Journal and do some more of it. I was going to bring down my Winter AwesomeBoard and put together a Spring theme. I was going to do a mega clean up of so many places in the house. I had even motivated Abbie into getting back to her blog. I was going to be THE person doing it all. March would be the month of springing into action (Spring pun intended). This month I ...

I was hit by the stomach flu. Kaput.
The nieces brought it home.
Gubby fell sick.
Chunky fell sick.
Abbie fell sick.
Bro fell sick.
And finally, I fell sick.

Did you hear the sound of my dreams shattering? Did you hear my creative bubble deflating? Did you hear that? Or did the sound of retching, stomach churning, and toilet flushing (a million times) mask it?

It was horrible. The babies spent a sick night and then ended up cuddling with Abbie and I the next morning. It took them a day to feel better but the next day Abbie was throwing up. I spent the entire day looking after her and then that night it began. I knew it was coming even before it happened. It started with diarrhea. One ... two ... three. Then I threw up. All within half an hour. The entire night was a horror for me then. I hardly slept because my stomach ached terribly and I kept throwing up. I'll spare the gruesome details to keep this from getting disgusting ... but basically it was the worse. I was left a befuddled woebegone.

Poop doodles on planner journal
My planner reflected the wonderful time we had ...

Now, I'm finally recovering. We all are. Everybody seems to have regained their tummies thank God. I'm just a bit slow because my tummy has always been insane anyway. My acid reflux has triggered again so each time I eat something ... well, imagine a piece of stone going in an angry volcano and ... yeah.

Poop doodle on planner journalPoop doodle on planner journal
Left: Gubby's doodle on my planner! Right: My steaming pile of poop!

BUT. All that sickness later, guess what? KAPUT. All my motivation and inspiration and planning and excitement has deflated and gone down the drain along with everything else I flushed that night. Now I'm sitting with this sore feeling in my tummy and a dead block in my head. Furthermore, as if it wasn't feeling enough like doom already there's the whole Coronapocalypse happening. Empty shelves, distressing news, and the panic and fear of the pandemic has got my spirits down in the dumps. I want to get back to my pre-sickness self so I can get back to being a creative superstar again.

I wonder when this dark spell will end. I hope soon though!
And with that, I guess, I say hello to March and an end to this rant!

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