Monday, March 2, 2020

Bubbster Club Movie Night and Pajama Party

Snuggled up in cozy blankets, hugs and kisses, hot popcorn, a good movie, laughs, and loads of fun! That was our first ever Bubbster Club Movie Night and Pajama Party! It was a mega hit and extremely fun and we just cannot wait for our next one!
Oh look, that rhymed!

I think I should rewind a bit and introduce everyone to the Bubbster Club first! Its founding members are Bua and Beeya (aka Abbie and I more commonly!). Its members include Bua, Beeya, Gubby, and Chunky. It's a club created by the coolest aunties in the world for the cutest nieces in the world. We are the Bubbsters: crazy, silly, and extremely awesome! We're Bubbsabulous!

On Valentines' weekend, my brother got invited to a wedding. His friend said the three words my brother had never heard before: 'Don't bring kids.' *laughs* So of course he came to me and asked if I could babysit his two fuzz balls. And the coolest Beeya in the world got ready to 'babysit' the nieces for an evening. It is funny, really, to call it babysitting for an evening; the nieces stay with me all day anyway so it wasn't exactly going to be any different. Except!!! The only different part was that their parents weren't going to be home entirely this time and that meant NO RULES. Or even better BUBBSTER RULES! Muahahahahahahaha!

I had it all planned. We'd play, eat a special Bubbster treat, watch a movie, have dinner, and play some more. That's exactly how it all happened and we ended up enjoying ourselves so much that even the little baby Bubb didn't notice her parents' absence.

The first part of the evening was playing to distract baby Chunky from noticing her parents had left. Gubby has grown up now and doesn't mind at all when they leave so she was chill. We dressed up in our coziest pajamas for the night! Abbie and I found ourselves pretend drinking chai at a pretend tea party hosted by Gubby and Chunky. I was supposed to sip from Chip from Beauty and the Beast who I love by the way. This happened in the Toy Room while their folks sneaked out downstairs. Chunks didn't even notice nor cared because she was way too busy serving us all tea and pretending the kettle was very hot and was burning her chubby hands! *heart melt*

The second part of the evening was the special Bubbster treat I was saving for a special occasion such as today. A Yeti shaped chocolate! It was our perfect Winter Bubbster treat and it turned out to be extremely delicious too ... like the premium good quality white chocolate kind of delicious. Mmm mmmm ... Chunky loved Yeti and was very happy breaking off his hands and feet! Hahaha! Gubby threw a tiny tantrum at first (I don't want it to be Yeti, I want a snowwwwmannnn) but then when she sensed the risk that Chunky might eat up all the good pieces she came back to her senses (I changed my mind, I love the Yeti!) and ate with us! We broke off Yeti one by one, enjoying the deliciousness. It was the silky kind of chocolate, you know? The one that plays a sweet game on your tongue ... Mmmmm ....

The third part of our Bubbster Night was the best one ... MOVIE TIME! I had a really good selection of movies for Gubby to choose from but somewhere in my heart I think I knew which one she would pick. And you know what? I wanted her to pick just that one too because I really wanted to watch it too. Our choice for movie of the night was MOANA! I'm a Disney fan and I'd been waiting for my chance to watch Moana since forever. Today it was finally my moment. Gubby had already watched Moana once at her nani's place but I later found out she hadn't seen the entire movie. She had no idea about the ending and at various other places she said, "Wait, I've never even seen this! What is this Beeya?" And there I was then, explaining everything to her just like Abbie used to explain movies for me when I was too small to understand everything ...

Moana was a fabulous watch! We laughed so much, we sang together, we laughed some more ... it was the perfect movie. It was everything Disney and we loved it! About halfway into the movie Chunky gave in and fell asleep. She got up from Gubby's side, came and laid down in my lap, and as soon as I began patting her she was asleep. The adorable cutie pie slept in my lap and I didn't know how to not keep kissing her cheeky weekies. SHE'S JUST TOO CUTEEEEEEEEE! Aaaaaah! *heart melt again*

When the movie ended the fourth and final part of our Bubbster Night began. We proceeded to devour a delicious dinner. We played our Bubbster Guessing Game while we ate. Chunky was awake and being extremely naughty too! And finally after dinner was done the little Bubbs played in the living room, making all kinds of adorably silly stories! Before our fun night finally ended and 'parenting 101' returned home Gubby even drew Moana on her white board.

Look close and you'll see her details ... there is Moana being lifted by the ocean, Maui with his magical fishhook, Hei Hei eating, and a drawing about Te Fiti as well. Let me show it off up close because the details are so worth it ...

This is Maui and I was so proud of Gubby when she drew his moving tattoos on his body. The kid has a sharp brain and always draws the best of doodles. She got his hair right too! Hahahaha! And oh look at his expression ... so right!

Then that is his magic fishhook which was also a surprise to me when she drew it because I was expecting a basic drawing from her with no details.

On the very top is Moana being lifted by the ocean and check out her dress and all. She even has the green stone in her hand, the heart of Te Fiti. Right below Moana is Hei Hei! She got the colors right and drew her favorite scene where Hei Hei has clear issues reaching the food! Hahahahahaha!

Then check this out, the logo for Moana. Gubby added the stone to the O! What a genius kid.

This one here is Te Fiti. So that is basically Te Ka plus the green stone heart equals Te Fiti. Check out the expressions she made for Te Ka and Te Fiti! Awesome!

*sighs* These kids are such adorable little munchkins! They are the brightness in my rainbow and one of the greatest sources of happiness in my life! We had such a cool evening and I had so so so much fun with them! I just can't wait for our next!

Bubbster Club rocks!!!


  1. Let's hear it for the Bubbster Club and the Coolest Aunties in the World!

    1. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy woohooooooooooooo! Hahahahahahahahahaha! Thanks Suzanne! <3
