Friday, April 3, 2020

Care of Magical Creatures ~ How Would I Fare?

Today I'm asking myself the question of whether or not I'd take up Care of Magical Creatures as an elective. If I would, how would I fare? If you've known me and have been a follower of my blog since a while now, I think the answer is pretty clear. I'd freak!!! Hahahaha! Let me explain!

So, basically, supposing I attended Hogwarts and in my third year I was offered a chance to take up Care of Magical Creatures, I would take it. Yes, yes, I'm scared of even the tiniest of flies but I would end up taking the class. You know why? Firstly, Harry, Ron, and Hermione would take it so obviously I'd hang with my chums. Secondly, we're talking about Hagrid's class here! Come on, how can I say no to Hagrid? Thirdly, I'd be so excited to just be breathing at Hogwarts I'd say no to nothing. But of course the decision would only follow after days of indecisiveness and hours of arguments and centuries of discussions to convince myself into something SO ... ahem ... dangerous.

See, I'm scared of every possible creepy crawly and I don't like being outdoors in the grass and the trees, and I'm not a fan of anything icky or gross at all. Nature and I simply don't go together. It just never cooperates with me. Nature doesn't like me, I swear it's holding some kind of grudge. Hmph. And we all know the reputation of this class. We all know Hagrid's reputation! I mean there must be some reason why Rowling was initially considering naming this class as 'Beasts'. In all possible meanings this class is not for me. But hey, neither was that Bio lab I took in Muggle school but I did end up in it, right? Imagine how happy Hagrid will be!

So lets say Harry, Ron, and Hermione end up convincing me to take Care of Magical Creatures with them. How would I fare? Would I survive? Probably yes, though I'd probably end up fainting now and then! Would I be able to do the lessons? Probably yes, but only because it will be done in groups or pairs so obviously I'll let my partners do the 'practical' touching type tasks. Theory, I can do. Practical, errr, maybe not entirely. Let me look at the lessons one by one ...

Hippogriffs: I think I would like this class. I find Hippogriffs very glorious creatures. I'd easily be mesmerized by Buckbeak but I'd be scared stepping close to it, let alone flying it. Hippogriffs get easily offended and I don't think I'd want to ride one especially without any straps or safety harnesses! And those half foot long talons ... I'd definitely be scared. But I'd be up for patting or stroking Buckbeak once maybe, of course after several hours of hyperventilating and freaking out. So I'd say I'd like this lesson, survive it, and maybe even get some hands on experience with a magical creature.

Flobberworms: Ten inch long worms that exude mucus. No thanks. I don't care if they're vegetarian and want to eat lettuce. I am not feeding them. I am noway ever coming near them. The sight of a worm would disgust me, I'd end up nauseous and would be found standing behind my fellow classmates only looking at the stuff from a safety distance. This one is definitely not for me.

Salamanders: Okay no way am I going near a lizard and definitely not one that is associated with flames. No sir, sorry. I'll be found standing behind my classmates again. I'd take notes, I'd know everything possible and be an absolute know it all about those Salamanders but I am NOT touching them or even coming near them.

Blast Ended Skrewts: Slimy and lobster like when young and scorpion/crab like when grown, smell like rotten fish, blasted every now and then, ten feet in size ... errrr, no thanks. I'm not going near anything slimy nor am I dealing with bad smells and huge sized blasting beasts. I would probably leave this lesson in tears actually, hahahahahaha! And after looking at an actual Blast Ended Skrewt while riding Hagrid's Magical Motorbike Adventure ... definitely not. Nope.

Nifflers: Now here's a lesson I'd love. I'd be scared of touching a Niffler at first but then I'd totally fall in love with it. But I'll probably not wear any jewelry during this class!

Unicorns: Here's another lesson I would totally love. I mean they're born gold colored, then they turn silver, and finally they turn that magical pure white. I'd even want to look at them at night to see how they look when their blood shines silver under the moonlight. But there will be only one problem ... I'll have to walk into the Forbidden Forest for this lesson. *Gulps* Now that would be a challenge, but I think I'd do it just for the sake of my grade. I am a nerd after all!

Thestrals: I find Thestrals to be very cool and all and definitely very interesting too. And so far in my life I haven't seen an actual dead body. I've had relatives die but I've never seen them dead. So I think technically I wouldn't see the Thestrals as they'd be invisible to me. Judging from that I think I'd be fine after some convincing with this lesson. True, they have that grim appearance and the skeletal features and the gauntness ... but if I cannot see it in person I might just be able to brave this one.

Bowtruckles: I think I would love this lesson too but I would probably be very scared at first to let a Bowtruckle touch me. Not a fan of trees and nature, remember? But I'd totally be fine with this lesson! Phew.

Crups: Ummmm, fork tailed dogs. No thanks. I'm scared of dogs when I find them somewhere near me in public places. I'd probably be freaked.

Fire Crabs: I'm obviously not okay with crabs. But still, one word: FIRE! Oh and another word: NO!

Knarls: Lactose intolerant hedgehogs ... okay I'll be standing in this lesson without freaking too much but I'm not feeding them milk. I'm totally going to hide behind my partners and offer to take notes instead.

Kneazles: These were described as a big cat or a small tiger in the books. So definitely no. And they can sometimes be aggressive too. Definitely faking sick this through this one! Hahahahahahaha!

Porlocks: Horse guardians who hide when you approach them. Now this I might be fine with because for a change they're hiding away from me.

Special mention the Monster Book of Monsters here, I would NOT want to read that book if it tried biting me. What if I kept it in my bag and it bit everything in there and ripped all my other books? I'd love reading Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them though. I'd be the person in class who reads it all the way through to the last page even before classes begin.

So clearly Care of Magical Creatures is a class especially not suited to a person like me. Yet, I still plan on taking it up as an elective. My love for Hagrid and the magic of the Wizarding World is far above any and all dangers and this is definitely a class I'm not going to miss. I'll be like Malfoy but I'll still be there!!!

Earlier on my blog, I once wrote about taking the Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations and I included Care of Magical Creatures in it too. I also mentioned I would get a fantabulous grade in this class, I said I'd achieve an Outstanding and I'd ace the exam. After my recent explanation of what my plight would be during the lessons, you'd wonder how I'd ace the exam, right? Well, hear me out.

According to the books, the exam consisted of a written and a practical portion. Now I'd totally ace the written portion for sure. The practical section would be what would worry me the most. Now the practical exam explained consisted of identifying a Knarl hidden among a dozen hedgehogs, demonstrating the correct handling of a Bowtruckle, feeding and cleaning out a fire crab without sustaining serious burns, and choosing the right kind of diet you'd give to a sick unicorn. I'd easily manage everything without getting scared except the bit about the fire crab. But if I put in all my effort and demonstrate the brave Gryffindor that I am deep down in my heart I know I'll get through that too. After all, I got through that dreaded Bio lab too remember?! I totally got this!

Come find me and my Potterhead lifestyle:

My sister is doing the Potterific A to Z too! Follow Abbie's Potterific A to Z entries on her blog right here!

This entry belongs to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge 2020 - The Potterific A to Z.
For a full list of all of my entries this year click here!

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