Oooooh wow! 2021 is coming to an end! With the last few days left I'm here, as I always am at the end of every year, to reflect and check up on my resolutions. 2021 seemed to have flown past if I think about it, and yet it seems like ages ago when I wrote down my resolutions. Time can be a funny one, I tell you. Without wasting any of it, let me see how I did on my promises for the year 2021!
Love myself truly, madly, deeply!
As I always do, I pledged to love myself and care for myself without relying on anybody else to do so. I said, "In a world full of people with selfish motives, evil plans, and hearts full of malice let mine be the one heart that beats for myself. Let me care for myself and love myself truly, madly, deeply!" I'm very happy to say I passed with flying colors on this one. I took care of myself as best as I could and didn't rely on others for loving me even more than I did last year. This one is definitely ... SUCCESS!
Live in the moment!
One more that I feel I can claim to have done well on. I said, "I will try my best to not panic over situations, take it a day at a time, live in the moment, and live my heart out!" I took life a day at a time, alright! I tried to face anything and everything with that in mind and it was so good for my mental peace! Like I promised myself, I wore that new shirt instead of saving it for a better time, I posted that picture on Instagram instead of waiting for a better time, I did it or did not do it there and then instead of waiting for the perfect opportunity. I lived in the now and said goodbye to the 'right time'. It felt good! SUCCESS!
Shut my heart to haters!
Tough one to decide, I'll be honest. I said, "I will be working on shutting my heart to haters. No, I will not run after them if they wish to run away. I will not let them tread on my emotions and break my heart. My heart's just too precious to me, sorry! 2021, I shall be shutting my heart and becoming immune to haters." Did I succeed in doing so? Yes and no. Yes, I shut my heart to those who had no space for me in theirs but I had my weaker moments when I found myself heartbroken over stuff said and done to me. I will not say I failed though because I really did not. In fact, I managed to fulfil this one to a great deal and I'm hundred percent sure this one's going on next year's list as well! SUCCESS!
Become spiritually stronger!
Nope, I really am not satisfied with this one. I had so many expectations but not enough time. I did not do justice to this one at all! FAILED!
Find and break a bad habit!
I wouldn't be able to claim success on this one either. I'll be honest and say I didn't even find time to reflect on myself and find a bad habit to break. I definitely have bad habits, I'm no angel. So no, this one is definitely not done. FAILED!
Try/learn something new!
New recipes, new time management plans! Trying out my new Tombow brush pens and stamping and scrapbooking. Pushing myself to try new things in cake decorating. I did great on this one! There's still a million more things I wanted to try and learn and experience. Those, I guess, will just have to wait for 2022! SUCCESS!
Stop advising when not asked!
I had failed on this one last year but this year I don't think I failed at all. I could still do a better job but for now I like how I acted on this one! SUCCESS!
Shed off the extra weight!
Achilles tendonitis basically ruined all my plans for this resolution! Hahaha! I started great on my plan for this one back in January but then the pains began because I overdid it I think. I still kept going but then I was hit with a major time shortage. I still kept fighting and did my treadmill and workouts until the day we got a mouse in our basement and the pain behind my foot became too troublesome. I shall never spend time in the basement alone now on that treadmill, I do not wish to be greeted by a mouse, thank you very much. Our treadmill was also on the verge of dying so we finally had it hauled away, given my mouse fears and hurting feeties. I still managed to shed some of the extra weight but I'm far from reaching my target so I can't claim victory on this one! FAILED!
So looks like I was successful in fulfilling five out of the eight resolutions I had made at the beginning of the year. That's actually not bad at all. When I sat down on my desk (which is undergoing a major Winter makeover and I can't make up my mind how to go about it!) to begin writing this blog post, I was certain I'd done a very very bad job on my resolutions this year. This performance is actually a pleasant surprise to me! I was getting ready to face major failure for 2021 but looks like I managed to do a pretty good job! Yay me! I already can't wait to get my new New Year's Resolutions planned!
See you in five days 2022!
Cheers to 2021!
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