Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Newt Scamander Versus Harry Potter

One's a famous magizoolist and the other's the Boy Who Lived. One's from the older era, the other slightly more modern. One's a tad bit wonky but super cool, the other's bold and daring. One's fairly new to our Potterverse, the other one we've grown up with. They're so different but I love them both so much! Today, I'm talking about Newt Scamander versus Harry Potter.

I found myself thinking, who do I like more and why? Is it Newt and his wonky ways or is it Harry Potter and his strong character? Is it the new guy I still have so many unanswered questions about or the known and trusted one who has been with me since an eternity? It's pretty clear and simple, let me explain ...

I love Newt Scamander. When I first saw him in the trailer of Fantastic Beasts I found myself beaming with happiness by the time it finished playing in front of my eyes. I was thinking: 'ADORABLE' ... that's the one word that comes to mind when I think of Newt Scamander. He's just this adorable man who has this air of naughtiness about him. He doesn't raise his head to make too much eye contact and you'd think he is immensely shy and reserved. But then he has this hidden world of magnificent beasts where he's the expert and perfectly in charge and comfortable with himself. It's fascinating to watch him actually. Yes, fascinating is the word I was fishing for. Newt Scamander is a treat to watch and his beasts are truly magnificent. He's mysterious, he's strange, he's hilarious, he's fierce! What a character!

I love Harry Potter. He's this down to earth boy who is daring and brave and always fighting from the right side. When I think of Harry my entire childhood comes flashing to me. I've grown up with him, loved him immensely, lived his entire life with him. Harry is my boy, you know? He's my friend, he's like this person who exists for almost-real for me. As a character, I've admired Harry for his choices, his bravery, and his loyalty. I've always found him to be this sassy person who was always very humble despite the fame thrust upon him from the time he was a baby. I've laughed with him, I've cried with him, I've gone to Hogwarts with him. There's just nothing about Harry I do not love. He's brilliant!

Yep, I love them both. I love Newt for his adorable wonky-ness. I love Harry for ... well, I love Harry for simply existing. So do I have a favorite? Is there one I hold above the other when it comes to personal choice. ABSOLUTELY! And it isn't like it usually is for me, that I have trouble deciding, nope! The decision is pretty clear ...

Nobody can ever even compare against the love I hold in my heart for Harry! It's true that I am in love with Newt but he still doesn't reach that place in my head where I've permanently placed Harry Potter. Harry is much more to me than just a character now; he's my childhood. When you grow up loving a character I don't think you can ever let any other replace them. It's almost like I love Harry Potter out of habit now, like you know, okay, I eat and sleep and breathe and love Potter. It's just there always. Newt is a fairly new character who still hasn't been completely established in the movies. I love his ways, his beasts, his behavior, everything ... but Harry is a far more complex character. I know Harry inside and out and love him for his soul, his heart. He's a gem. He's simply the best!

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Follow Abbie's Potterific A to Z entries on her blog right here!

This entry belongs to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge 2019 - The Potterific A to Z.
For a full list of all of my entries this year click here!


  1. I adore Newt, I think in terms of creating and interesting and likable character, Rowling really outdid herself with him (not that I don't like Harry too). He also reminds me of all the nature educators I watched in documentaries when I was a kid... :D

    The Multicolored Diary

    1. Yes, I agree! Rowling has created a character I doubt there would be anybody in the world who doesn't love! :D
