Monday, April 6, 2020

Exceptionally Ordinary Luna Lovegood Outfit

You know that feeling when you come across that perfect outfit?
The one that just looks perfect?
Yeah, that one.
The one that gets you some fabulous pictures.
The one that makes you feel like you're the star of the show.
The one that makes heads turn.

Guess what? I found the one!
My Exceptionally Ordinary Luna Lovegood dress paired with some awesome denim pieces resulted in a fantabulously amazing outfit. I sashayed around the Wizarding World wearing the gorgeousness and it was just AWESOME. Yes, people stopped me a couple times to ask me where I got my dress from. And yes, I went crazy taking pictures because I felt just so good and looked just so awesome!

I got my beautiful dress from Hot Topic. It is the actual Luna skirt design, my friends! A nice and deep black background with all the icons that are total Luna. There are unicorns, radishes, Spectrespecs, balloons, birdies, hearts, stars, flowers, Thestrals ... I assure you there are Nargles too but you obviously can't see them. Ahem. I paired this gorgeous dress with a pair of light blue denim jeans and a matching denim crop jacket. Of course my glittery blue scarf went perfectly with the outfit. Aaaaaaand the final bit of perfection: SPECTRESPECS!

And you know, they weren't visible, but I also wore matching Luna Lovegood socks. What a perfect outfit pair, aren't they? These were inside my beautiful Deathly Hallows sneakers! Extra points for me! I'm awesome. My outfit is awesome. Lalalalalalala!

And then, with that gorjabulous outfit, go crazy taking pictures ... because you can!

Picture against the Quibblers on display inside Dervish and Banges! Because Luna and Quibblers, duh! And bonus points for the Butterbeer shot!

Picture outside Honeydukes!

And inside Honeydukes with that pink staircase!

And also while picking up (three more) Chocolate Frogs!

And a picture hanging out of the Knight Bus!

And another standing against it because the purple looks so good with the outfit!

And a picture at the magic brick entrance to Diagon Alley!

And of course a picture after exiting the parks, while on the escalator, because you just can't get enough of that gorgeous outfit. Promise, now I'll stop - for now - Muahahahahahahaha!

Come find me and my Potterhead lifestyle:

My sister is doing the Potterific A to Z too! Follow Abbie's Potterific A to Z entries on her blog right here!

This entry belongs to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge 2020 - The Potterific A to Z.
For a full list of all of my entries this year click here!

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