Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Mugs of the Wizarding World ~ Still Waiting On My Letter From Hogwarts

Two things I just cannot live without are Harry Potter and Chai. My Potter obsession is no secret. I'm also a Chai lover. Being a Desi at heart, Chai runs through my veins! I cannot wake up without Chai, I cannot spend a day without Chai and if I have to, I end up with a headache! It's a relationship pretty strong and we're quite inseparable - Chai and me. So of course, when the two loves combine it's the most mind blowing moment in the world. I make sure I sip my Chai in style and proudly own a beautiful collection of mugs that stun! I have cute mugs and pretty mugs and seasonal mugs and what not ... and I also collect HARRY POTTER mugs. My ever growing collection of mugs of the Wizarding World is very near and dear to my heart. One day I plan on bringing them all together in one frame for a gorjabulous picture but today I've decided to show off just one out of the many I have!

I still remember when I first saw this mug on Hot Topic's website. It just had to come home. This was way too beautiful and way too awesome to not have in my collection. Abbie and I got one each for the both of us - immediately - and we love it! 

I also remember the day it arrived. It came out of the box along with other Potter merch and just took my breath away. It is gorgeous! It really is gorgeous! Whenever I sip my Chai in this mug I have extra fun. I save this mug for good days when I can sit with my Chai in peace and savor the taste and the serene feeling it gives me. You know the good days when I have no work pending on my head and I can actually sit and enjoy for a loooong loooong time ...

It's a ceramic travel mug with a water color-ish design in the background and the text "Still Waiting On My Letter From Hogwarts" in bold black. There's even a Hogwarts letter and a picture of Hogwarts's iconic silhouette. It came with a travel lid too, but I never use it because I always sip my Chai at home. The handle is a solid black which matches with all the rest of the stuff printed against that blue water color background. It even keeps my Chai warm for a longer time than some of the other mugs I have in my collection. It has this foam-y soft something under the base which keeps it from scratching or banging against the surface it is kept on. This mug is just super cool.

As the warm Chai goes down my throat, soothing my existence, my eyes feast on the beauty of this mug. It transports me to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The blue water color design reminds me exactly of the bright and beautiful deep blue skies I always notice when I'm on vacation in Orlando. Somehow, and I've pointed it out to Abbie before, the skies are always extra beautiful in Orlando whenever I'm visiting the Wizarding World. Hogwarts and the Gringotts dragon are always majestically placed against a very beautiful blue sky. It's not ordinary at all. I swear it is magical!! It is surreal and it shows up unreal in pictures too - like some pro-level editing! And that is exactly what I think of when I look at the Hogwarts silhouette against the water color blue of this mug. MAGIC.

Drinking my Chai is akin to love itself and doing so in this beautiful mug is a treat. *sighs*
I think I need another dose of Chai after typing all this ... *heads to the kitchen*

Come find me and my Potterhead lifestyle:

My sister is doing the Potterific A to Z too! Follow Abbie's Potterific A to Z entries on her blog right here!

This entry belongs to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge 2020 - The Potterific A to Z.
For a full list of all of my entries this year click here!


  1. You may be waiting for your letter from Hogwarts, but I'm waiting for this MUG! It's fabulous.
