Saturday, April 18, 2020

Polyjuice Potion - Who Would I Turn Into?

As soon as I added the hair in, the potion bubbled in the sickliest of ways. I stared at it, not sure if I'd even be able to drink it once it was done transforming. Would it be too disgusting to bring myself to take it? It was now changing color, as I watched it transform, transfixed in horror; it turned from a brown to a vomit green and then to a shade somewhere between rotten olive and dead pink. It smelled of something foul, like a million dead bodies had been left to rot, completely forgotten. It looked repulsively thick and inedible. But it was my only chance and I knew I had to do it ...


That was the sound of the rewind button in action.
Let's just not go into the details of HOW it would taste like and whether or not I'd even be able to bring myself to drink it. Let's just stick to the question I'm asking myself today: If I could take the Polyjuice Potion, who would I want to turn into?

My choice is ...
and I'm not proud of it ...
nor do I like it ...
nor am I going to forgive myself for imagining this ...

Hahahahahahahahaahahahaaaaa! Admit it, THAT was totally unexpected. But yes, you heard me right, I'd choose to turn into Peter Pettigrew. Actually, there's more to it here. First of all, I would take the Time Turner and reverse back in time so I'm at Hogwarts when James, Lupin, and Sirius are students there. Then I will go and find Pettigrew and get a hair from him somehow to use for the Polyjuice Potion. I'm sure he would be at least one percent less disgusting back then than he would be after turning into a cowardly Death Eater. Maybe it would make him slightly less repulsive? Maybe. One can hope.

The reason I choose Peter Pettigrew is because I want his friends. I want to be a Marauder. I want to hang out with James, Lupin, and Sirius. I want to be in. I want to be a part of their group. When I read about them in the books for the first time I remember falling in love with him. I remember wanting to be their friend. Destiny has always brought me rotten luck with friends in my real world so, quite frankly, I would do anything to have the Marauders as my friends. Imagine how cool it would be to have them by my side ... *day dreams*

As Peter Pettigrew, I could spend an entire day with them (if the Potion works I may even brew it over and over again!) ... a day as the fourth Marauder! The mischief, the fun, the friendship, the adventures, the handsome Sirius Black ... OH, HOW DID THAT SLIP OFF MY TONGUE?
*Ahem ahem ahemmmmmm* I did not say that.
*Walks away*

*Slowly returns*
So. Yeah. Where were we? YES, adventures with the Marauders!
Oh my God, I feel like a total Hogwarts rock star right now. James, Sirius, Lupin, SARA! This is the moment where my pupils turn into beating girly red hearts. Tongue sticks out too, kinda. I would roam around Hogwarts with them, attending classes and then discovering secrets. I would be in on the makings of that beautiful Marauders Map. I would be hanging out with them in the Hogwarts grounds, studying with them, laughing with them, enjoying with them.

I'd actually be a great addition to the Marauders too, replacing Peter the idiot. As the new Peter I'd convince James into behaving himself with fellow students like Snape - which by the way is the one complaint I have against the Marauders; the bullying! I'd be the peacekeeping Peter in the group. With me by their side James would be the good guy that he actually was deep in his heart. Without being bullied, Snape wouldn't end up such a sour person either - hopefully! I'd definitely NEVER ever ever betray them. I'd rather die than betray my friends! And think of how huge of a difference that would make to the whole Voldemort killing Harry's parents situation that night in Godric's Hollow. Wow. I could change the fate of the entire Wizarding World!

This is a total win win, you guys! Me as the new Peter is great for everyone. I get the friends I always would have loved to have. I get my friendship, my belonging, my fun, my adventure! And they ... they get the Peter they deserved for how cool they were, instead of a disloyal old rat. Because lets face it, I'd totally be the coolest Peter ever. *Flips hair over shoulder*

Come find me and my Potterhead lifestyle:

My sister is doing the Potterific A to Z too! Follow Abbie's Potterific A to Z entries on her blog right here!

This entry belongs to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge 2020 - The Potterific A to Z.
For a full list of all of my entries this year click here!

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