Friday, April 24, 2020

Undesirable Number One - A Sympathy Post

This is a sympathy post dedicated to Harry Potter ...
The Boy Who Lived ...
The Chosen One ...
Undesirable Number One!

I feel for you Harry, I really really do!
Every single time someone at Hogwarts stared at you ...I felt for you.
Every single whisper when you walked in ... I felt for you.
Every finger that pointed at you ... I felt for you.
Every hateful glare ... I felt for you.
Every time you were shushed and nobody listened to you ... I felt for you.
Every time you felt betrayed ... I felt for you.
Every little thing that left you hurt ... I felt for you.

I feel for you Harry, I really really do!
Because somewhere, somehow, in some way or the other in life I have been there and dealt with that too. I've dealt with rejection, dejection, hate, visible dislike, whispers and pointy fingers, bullying, name calling, ridiculing, ignoring, avoiding, hurting. I've been through it all and I know how it feels. It feels horrible.

At the beginning of this year, it became a sort of inside joke between Abbie and I when I said, "I'm the real Undesirable Number One now!" It is true. And since then it is official - Sara Ali is Undesirable Number One. Hahaha! I'm the person who gets shushed and ignored, the one who is disliked by a majority of this world's population, the one who has to deal with hurt regardless of how awesome I am to everyone in return. It's a joke and all and I'm laughing but truth is - it sucks. The same way it must have for poor Harry.

Seriously, Rowling was a bit too hard on him, I think. First his parents died. Then he was attacked by Voldemort. Then he was left with the worst possible Muggles to grow up in a tiny cupboard, wearing second hand clothes and being abused and bullied all the time. Finally, a ray of hope came in the form of our beloved Hagrid and Harry landed in Hogwarts. Then began the rumors, the whispers, the bullying, the taunting, the teasing. He found great friends in Ron and Hermione but even Ron betrayed him several times. I can't imagine how that must have felt like - Ron was like a brother to him. Then he met Sirius and there was suddenly a possibility of having something close to family. Next minute, Rowling killed Sirius and took that happiness away as well. He fell in love with Ginny but soon after he had to give it up because he knew he was going on a quest for the Horcruxes. It worked out in the end, but imagine how sad that must have felt, not knowing what would happen and having to give up his love because of the uncertainty. He was always misunderstood. Some felt he was arrogant because he was the Chosen One, when really he was doomed because of being chosen. Others thought he was desperate for attention when I know Harry could have given anything to lead a normal life out of the limelight.

Wow. Poor Harry. He really did suffer at the hands of Rowling. It's remarkable he didn't break down, not even once. What a true Gryffindor - brave at heart! I relate. I deal with being Undesirable Number One quite nicely for the most part. I do break down though and for that I really really wish I could be more like Harry!

Don't worry Harry, in the end, all was well.
And remember, I love you. Always have, always will!

Come find me and my Potterhead lifestyle:

My sister is doing the Potterific A to Z too! Follow Abbie's Potterific A to Z entries on her blog right here!

This entry belongs to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge 2020 - The Potterific A to Z.
For a full list of all of my entries this year click here!

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