Sunday, October 14, 2018

Graphics To Love!

In case one wonders what these 'Graphics To Love' are all about!
Each month I post about five Graphics which I come across while randomly surfing the web. Beautiful, hilarious, and relatable things show up in my social media feeds every day. Often, a lot of these graphics spark thoughts in my head which I want to blog about. So I put some of the best ones together in one blog post and chit chat away! None of the graphics are mine and most of them are being shared without credit so they can't even be traced! I just like to spend a few minutes speaking my mind. So here they are ...

This is so true. Self care doesn't always have to be expensive massages or relaxing retreats. Self care doesn't always have to be a huge effort towards something well planned for yourself. No. Sometimes self care is just stepping back from life and taking some time to do nothing at all. To sleep, to rest, or not. To just sit or lie down and do nothing except just breathe. No thinking, no overthinking, no work, no planning, no goal setting, no nothing. Just plain simple breathing and feeling your existence and loving it and letting it be. I really need such a kind of me time right now! Life's been so hectic. 

You know you're going in the right direction when your friends decide to tag you in such a graphic. I am that person who is always there to listen and not just listen to absorb. I support my friends with all my might, raise them high in their own eyes and that of the world, and make sure I can do everything in my abilities to make them feel and believe the best about themselves. Honestly, from where I'm watching from, if you lose me as a friend, it's possibly one of the greatest losses of your life.

And of all kinds of genres. I think mine would have a bit of everything. There'd be horror with the demons in my life sucking the happiness out of my soul like dementors. There'd be mystery thanks to all the rumors that I've had people spread about me. There'd be a tonne of drama - and I mean Dharma- KJo style drama because without it where's the fun, right? I just hope I'll be a well written story, one that is worth reading over and over again.

Reading books may also cause periodic disappearances from reality, escape from the worst kinds of situations, and possible permanent I-damn-care-about-your-bs attitude. Just a little friendly warning, if you will.

I disagree. It isn't just sometimes; it's most of the times! Fantasy is almost always better than reality, at least better than my reality. And the only rare times when reality presents a challenge against fantasy, it kind of feels like fantasy too. Know what I mean?

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