Saturday, November 3, 2018

A Letter to My Fourteen Year Old Self

Dear Darling Sara,

Hope you're doing well. Actually, look at you, you are doing so well. Great personality, excellent morals, confident and outspoken, and top of your game in every field you step into. You've got the perfect grades, you've been excellent at sports, you're a great friend, you're the perfect girl! Wow. I'm so proud of you and I'm writing to tell you exactly that; I am proud of you and you should be too. Wondering who I am? I'm you from 2018 (the news about dooms day happening was fake, yes). I just recently turned twenty seven years old with a magical Luna Lovegood themed celebration. Yep, Harry Potter still exists. In fact it's become a lifestyle and pretty much one of your life lines keeping you sane. So hold on tight to it because it'll lead you to real life Butterbeer!

Details details details. Let me tell you some good stuff. Most important first, you're going to finally move to the United States my darling and decorate that girly beautiful sassy bedroom you have always dreamed about. Actually, yours is even better than the Hilary Duff kind you drool over in movies. Hilary Duff by the way just had her second baby, if you can believe that. Times have changed. You haven't, at least not so much. You've just grown wiser, sassier, and prettier! *laughs* You've lost all that weight you're fretting about right now and gained some back too (yes, it will always be a struggle my darling). Bottom line, though, is that you're beautiful so the you-know-who wannabe who says you're boring looking ... yeah, that one ... stop paying attention to that. They have ended up with a disappointment for a life today. Cheers to that!

I don't want to tell you TOO much about the future because knowing you, you'd end up worrying so much to make things right you'll end up pooping in stress. You still do that - poop in stress, I mean. Anway. But I do want to warn you about some things and make sure you get ready for what lies ahead. First, these friends ... they're all fake. I know how much they mean to you so it would do you good to stop investing so much emotion in them. Nothing's going to change these fakers and they're absolutely not worth it. The guys who say they like you have all grown up to be super weird so it's a good thing you keep ignoring them, I'm proud of you on that decision - eyes on Johnny Depp is all you should think about because he's aged beautifully! Hahaha! Oh and Hilary Duff may have found her prince charming in multiple movies but at twenty seven you still haven't and trust me, you're actually ecstatic and completely at peace about it. Life is hectic ahead of you. Things will get a little bumpy because you'll be living with crazies in your madhouse. Notice, I say hectic. It'll be a manic life but a blessed life, I promise.

I have some good news for you: you're happy and in love with yourself. In fact I doubt anybody can love you more than you love yourself right now. You've grown into someone you can be proud of. You're the best version of yourself. So the mean asses who make you doubt your worth today can go flush their faces in the toilet. You're awesome and you know it. Lets clap our hands to that, shall we?

Sara, life is how you make it, really. Your respect and your happiness are in your own hands. Even if it seems like it's a twist of fate, whom you allow to stay or walk out of your life is actually your own decision. So choose wisely. Here's my piece of advice to you ... If you're feeling the need to run after friends, don't. They're not your friends if you have to run a race to get to them - they're the prize trophies that'll tarnish and rust super soon and leave you with nothing but a hoarded mess. If someone makes you feel worthless, rise above it. You're the best because you try to be your best. NEVER and I repeat: NEVER compromise your standards - keep your heels, head, and standards high. Always be yourself because you're inimitable and unique. You're actually my favorite person!

I love you and I'm super proud of you!
Yours truly from 2018

PS: You're going to grow up to be a fantastic cake artist. In fact, right now, I have to go and plan Abbie's and Gubby's birthday cake. In case you're wondering, Abbie is the name you've given to your sister and Gubby is your baby niece Maryam. Coocoo had two baby dolls. Yep, the guy in the turquoise pajamas! And you're the favorite auntie. Gubby calls you Beeya, a name she has chosen for you herself. The tiny one is Hafsa aka Chunky. She can't talk yet but when you sing to her she dances and tries to googoo gaagaa along with you.

This entry has been written for November Journaling Month 2018

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