Sunday, November 4, 2018

Which Holiday Falls On My Birthday?

Today's November Journaling Month's prompt is a fun one. Which holiday falls on my birthday and would I celebrate it? I think it's crazy how every single day of the year is a holiday for something or the other. Imagine if one was to celebrate every day, how cool would it be!

The nineteenth of October is the grand and glorious blessed day when I was born and if you ask me it should be declared as the official Saraallie day and everyone should get an official holiday to celebrate my existence. Excuse me? Did I hear you ask me why? Well, duh. Because I was born and I blessed the world with my awesomeness, that's why. It isn't an ordinary occasion you know. *laughs* But since the world has OBVIOUSLY not realized it yet for now we celebrate other stuff.

So I Googled to check which holidays fall on my birthday. I had a good laugh.
Some of them which were completely unrelated to me or weren't celebrate-able included National Mammography Day, World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day, and LGBT Center Awareness Day. Then there were some I actually thought about.

Rainforest Day
I think I've made it pretty clear that I'm not a nature person. Bugs freak me out and I start hyperventilating. Just the thought of bugs kills me actually. All kinds, sizes, shapes, forms. I just hate bugs! And I'm not really interested in trees and stuff either. Except my fascination with the color changing leaves in Fall I pretty much stay away from trees because they're bug central and give me allergies. So clearly Rainforest Day is not for me!

National Seafood Bisque Day
Okay seafood is just NOT for me, okay? I cannot stand icky, stinky fish or sushi or any of those sea creatures. If you ask me they are not for eating. They're disgusting. The only two exceptions I make are well done, non stinky fried fish and chips and deliciously cooked shrimps. That's all. So this one too is not for me.

New Friends Day
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! Wait, wait, I'm not done laughing! *laughs* Seriously, new friends? Joke of the century. We all know how awesome my luck with friends is, right? All I've ever met are crazy, mean ass, fake, lying, sick minded people who play with my emotions and then walk away. So new friends day? Nuh uh. Definitely not for me!

Dress Like a Dork Day
Now here's something that makes a little sense. Silly and fun. I can totally picture myself dressing up like a dork on the nineteenth. But then I dress up Harry Potter on my birthday so maybe this is not going to work for me.

Evaluate Your Life Day
My friends, I finally found a 'holiday' I can, will, and would totally celebrate on my birthday. Evaluate Your Life Day! I think I'm the person who reflects on her life a lot. I have often found myself thinking about what has happened, what is happening, and how will things continue to happen. On my birthday each year, especially, I reflect on what my past year was like, what all I did, and what kind of a person have I become. I did that on my twenty seventh birthday a few days ago and I'll do it for the rest of my life! So there it is! My birthday and evaluate your life day, a 'holiday' I have unknowingly been celebrating all this while!

This entry has been written for November Journaling Month 2018

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