Thursday, November 29, 2018

Childhood Classics On VCR! My Fondest Childhood Memories!

I recall a tiny little me sitting next to Abbie and asking, "Now what happened? And now? And now?"
The TV is on in front of us and the VCR is playing a fabulous movie cassette.
I love it, even though I can hardly catch the dialogues and understand stuff.
I love sitting with my siblings in that movie time with literally zero care in the world.
I love watching whatever is happening on TV.
I just love love love everything.

That's the four-five year old me. I'm watching a movie with my siblings on a VCR!
VCR!!! Moment of silence! Hahaha!

Our dad got us all the classics when we were kids because he wanted to build that sense in our brains. He wanted us to grow up watching all the good stuff so we'd develop a wild imagination and be all open minded. And it worked. Part of my creativity, I believe, is because Dad got us these movies and similar kinds of books to read. Mama and Dad made sure we were raised as Disney kids too - and I love it; I love being a Disney kid.

There are so many movies Dad got us. I remember some very well, while others I only recall bits and pieces of. Some of these I watched again after growing up. Of course they seemed so much more different! *laughs* Some were totally not what I thought of them when I was that small. Such fun rewatching childhood classics!

There was Hook and my favorite scene was the imaginary food fight they had with the colored stuff! Hahahahaha! My favorite! Abbie, bro, and I used to pretend to do the same over dinner. Then there was The Never Ending Story and I used to cry so bad each time I watched Artax die in the swamp of sadness. That was such a sad scene! Then there were all the Disney cartoons. Beauty and the Beast was my favorite and I was always Team Beast and never liked Gaston! I loved Cinderella. Gus Gus was my favorite and the entire song, "We can do it!" was a treat to watch. We knew it by heart! Oh oh oh and the Seven Dwarfs! They were so cool! And Aladdin! I loved Jamsine's dad more than anyone else! Hahaha! And there was Willow that I never understood - in fact I didn't much like it. There was Sindbad - "beyond beyond" hahaha! There were so many awesome movies! And we picked up such cool stuff from them all.

Ah, sweet memories. I wish I could go back in time and relive those moments again. When I think about those childhood moments everything just comes back to me. I can even feel the atmosphere around me again, where we sometimes laid snuggled up in blankets watching these movies. Abbie used to tell me what was happening when I couldn't understand sometimes. They were such nice times. We had no stress, no troubles, no nothing. We were the AGS Sunshine Club! Hahaha! Good times. Seriously good times ...

This entry has been written for November Journaling Month 2018

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