Wednesday, November 28, 2018

What Would I Want to Change In My Past?

If I could go back in time and change one thing from my past I'd like to go to the point in my life when I started gaining weight. While a lot of my weight gain issues come from my fat genes *laughs* I do know that the fatness I became in my early teens was partially because I did not care about gaining. So I'd like to go back to that moment in my life when I first overate and change things right there and then.

I'm not anti fat. In fact I am anti being obsessed with becoming skinny. But yes, I believe being overweight caused a lot of issues in my life. For one, I faced fat shaming and bullying. Mostly it wasn't too serious and I took it fine but when it got nasty it got my self confidence and I felt a crushing sense of defeat. Definitely, once I lost weight I looked prettier and felt so much more awesomer and that brought with it an automatic boost of confidence. Secondly, being overweight isn't healthy. What's worse is the stuff that happened to me when I took drastic measures to shed all that extra weight off; I dealt with all kinds of crazy stuff like stretch marks, unhealthy hair, muscle spasms, blah blah blah. Oh and the cravings when you're on a diet. Those are terrible. Dieting to shed weight is itself pure torture. It's better to eat a little bit of what you love and manage your weight from the start rather than become overweight and then deprive yourself of all the goodness to fix it.

So definitely, if given a chance, I'd want to go back and change the way I gained weight in the past. Stop myself before it began so that I would stay fit throughout. Everything else that has happened in my life has to remain unchanged. I don't think I'd want to change anything else because I have no regrets. I've lived a good life, a blessed one, a righteous one. I've faced both good and bad ... a lot of bad too actually! Haha! But even then, the bad has shaped me into what I am today, let me learn a lot of important lessons from life, and so I wouldn't want to change any of it.

This entry has been written for November Journaling Month 2018

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