Saturday, June 15, 2019

POTTERIFIC JULY Instagram Photo Challenge 2019

Drum rolls! Fireworks! Confetti explosions! Super loud music!
It is that time of the year again Potterheads!!!
And guess what? Because last year was such a big hit, I am coming back this year with an awesome, super cool, fantabulous Harry Potter themed Instagram Challenge for all Potterheads to join!

Oh yessssss, this past week I spent my time sending messages to last year's participants, all of whom have replied with renewed excitement for Potterific July! I was so thrilled to find out everybody remembered it and more importantly everybody loved it and wants to do it again with me! So here it is! Above is this year's prompt list! It shall be so much fun!!!

Let me rewind and explain for the Potterheads who will be joining us for the first time this year. Since July is the month when we all celebrate Harry Potter and JKR's birthdays and it's so very special to us, every year I celebrate POTTERIFIC JULY right here on my blog. It's anything and everything Harry Potter and I discuss stuff from the books and movies, show off my merch, and live the Potterlife for a full month. Last year I decided to add an Instagram challenge to my Potterific July and to have some fun I opened it up for Potterheads across the world to join. To my delight it was a major hit. I was joined by at least a hundred and ten Potterheads from all across the globe as our #PotterificJuly feed reached a fabulous 1300+ posts over 31 days. People had the sweetest things to say to me about hosting the challenge. I was overwhelmed with the response and the love. Above everything else I was ecstatic to have created a challenge that let Potterheads come together and have lots of fun POTTER STYLE! *wipes emotional tears*

Because everybody requested that I continue the challenge every year (some wanted me to do another one for August too! Hahaha!) I am back and so is Potterific July Insta Challenge on popular demand! Here are the details, as they were posted last year, for everyone who wishes to join:

"No commitments, no pressure. Join me on Instagram and follow along the prompts all month. If you miss a prompt here and there that's fine too! No rules except tag your photos with the hashtag #PotterificJuly so whoever is participating in the challenge can find your posts too! I'll be featuring the most awesome posts throughout the challenge in my Instagram story and maybe on my blog too if I got the chance. I can't wait to meet new Potterheads on Instagram and connect with those I already know through the challenge.

So here's what to do:
  • Grab a copy of the prompt list by saving/screenshotting the picture above.
  • Get ready by planning or 'drafting' your picture posts.
  • Somehow let me know you'll be joining me for the #PotterificJuly Instagram challenge. You can find me on Instagram at @Saraallie and DM or comment on the prompt post there. You could also leave me a comment below this blog post and leave a link to your Insta for me to check out.
  • Be there on the first of July with the hashtag #PotterificJuly shining on your posts on Insta!
The more Potterheads the better and the more fun July shall become! Remember to connect with me on Instagram at @Saraallie so I know you're joining us too! Have fun!

Lets make it bigger and even more awesomer this year!
Spread the word, bring fellow Potterheads with you!
See you on the first on Instagram!

Happy Pottering,
Mischief Managed!

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