Make way!
Get ready to cheer the cutest things ever!
Meet these adorable hand painted gnomes!
Oooooh and guess who painted them?
*drum rolls*
Yayyyyyyyyyy! Woohooooooooooooo!
Okay. Time for me to come back to my senses and tell my gnome story!
I love gnomes. They're just really intriguing. They fascinate me because I never understand WHY a gnome is ... well, a gnome! Like why is a bearded thingy with his eyes covered behind his hat just so cute? It makes no sense and yet makes all the sense in the world! Hahaha! One fine day, while browsing Five Bellow's website, I came across a DIY paint your own garden gnome kit and I instantly knew I needed this in my life. I rarely am so decisive about my shopping; I'm always bothering Abbie trying to make up my mind whether to buy something or not. This time though, I needed this gnome painting kit in my life. By the end of the day the order was placed and I was awaiting my gnome in the mail! When it finally arrived I just couldn't contain my excitement!
The gnome was actually very good quality which was something I'd been worrying about! Phew! It came with six shades of paint, a paint brush, and a little helpful sheet of information about color mixing which I discovered after I'd already painted it halfway! Hahaha! I didn't need it anyway so that's okay! I'd been wanting to try my hand at painting for so long and this gnome was the perfect way to do it! Painting was definitely so relaxing! The sound of the paint brush against the ceramic gnome and watching the white slowly turn colorful and the fact that this was all being done by me, myself, and I ... so soothing for the senses. I spent an afternoon painting all the way into the evening. It was peacefully quiet except for the sound of my brush going 'shleenk' 'shleenk' 'shleenk' against the ceramic.
Once my gnome was done I danced around the entire house showing off how adorable it looked. Abbie said it looked like the cakes I make out of fondant! She loved it! Next day was even better because I showed it off to my darling nieces. Gubby and Chunky LOVED the gnome so much. They wanted to touch it and look at it and squealed with just as much excitement as my own. Then Gubby said, "Wow Beeya! You painted this? I wish I had a gnome too! Get me one?" and a lightbulb lit up above my head, shining so bright it could have blinded everyone had they been able to see it. Mhmm ... true story.
Five Below's website was once again open in a tab on my laptop. I was typing 'gnome' in the search bar and hitting enter. Then I was calling Abbie to see the new gnomes that were now available instead of the one I'd gotten a couple weeks ago. This time the gnomes were even cuter and much more detailed. They had floral details and curvy hats and looked absolutely perfect to get as gifts for my nieces. The order was processed, buttons were clicked, and I sat awaiting two more gnomes in the mail. When they arrived I immediately got started on painting them because I wanted them to be ready to gift on Eid. Oh and when they saw them ... I was attacked with a tight hug from Gubby and Chunky couldn't get her eyes off the gnome in her hands as she said, "This is for our loom?"
My gnome squad!
Gubby's gnome ... OOMPA!
Chunky's Gnome ... LOOMPA!
And mine! He still needs a nice name!
Let me show the close ups of these cuties!
Those sleeves were hard to paint but I did my best trying to keep the stripes sharp and clean!
I had some difficulty mixing up a peach shade for the nose and hands at first! But I finally did it! I totally need to paint more to get a hang of mixing colors!
Mine has a pointed hat which curves too but not as much as the babies'.
Also, when I have to gift the two ladies the same thing I am always under pressure of making sure it looks as identical as possible! I think I did a great job making sure both their gnomes looked alike with just the colors reversed! Check it out ... I did good! They could play a game of spot-the-differences on these!
Adorable! All the way from their pointy hats to the cute little message underneath. I added a teeny tiny date too just to make it memorable! Chunky can't read yet but when Gubby saw the message I got attacked with another super tight hug! *wipes emotional tears* I love my babies so much!!! Making these gnomes for them was extra fun. Oh but wait, I'm not done yet! I am currently awaiting ONE MORE GNOME in the mail! Hahahahahahaaaaa! See what happened was, Abbie couldn't resist once she saw the reaction the nieces gave. She has ordered one more which she wants me to paint for her so we could all have gnomes painted by me! Of course, when I get to do Abbie's gnome I will be posting pictures on my Instagram. For now, how about I leave you with two super cute videos of my super cute gnomes?! Volume up for full effect!
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