Friday, September 24, 2021

Thank You Instagram

Before I begin this blog post let me warn you. Rare vulnerable post ahead! I don’t normally do this because I like keeping all my social media happy and bright but I think this is much needed. The past few weeks or so have been tough on me and that has made me realize something very important about Instagram. Something important enough that I wanted to write about it and keep it here on my blog forever!

A few days ago we were happily watching tv in our living room when we realized there was a mouse in our house! I was lying down on the sofa enjoying my show when I saw something black fly past from under the sofa towards the table inches from me. I felt my heart fall into my stomach. Ploink! I knew it was big and bad. I looked at my sister who had the look on her face that she'd seen something too and immediately I stood up and climbed off the sofa and out of the living room. IT WAS A MOUSE! An actual mouse. An ugly black one. I have a MAD fear of all kinds of bugs and animals so having a full on MOUSE near me drove me insane! It was a mad chase for three days. Poison pellets, repellent sprays, mouse traps with peanut butter, glue traps! The exterminator ruled out infestations and said it was a lone ‘straggler’ that prolly sneaked in. For three days I lived in fear, locked in my room upstairs with towels sealing the doors from below. I was awfully upset and VERY scared. I’ve upset my stomach and gotten all my muscles stiffened up. Finally, as of that Sunday's morning the horror has been caught, on a sticky glue trap in my kitchen. Thank God!!! Though I still can’t fully calm myself down!

You know how when you’re in a bad situation you just end up feeling all kinds of negativity even more? That’s what happened to me. I thought I wouldn’t be able to get out of this problem any time soon and my thirtieth birthday would be ruined - one that I’ve been waiting for since so long now! I saw all my plans going down the drain and with that every bad, sad, horrible thought surfaced; the mean people I’ve had in my life, words that have hurt my feelings, times I have felt alone ... you get the idea. Everything wrong combined with what was happening to make me reach a low point in my head.

I’m an annoyingly grateful rainbowish person. Anybody who follows my social media can tell that I am. It doesn’t happen too often that I let the bad stuff take over my head. I fight it off with all my might. So being low felt wrong in addition to everything else happening around me. That’s why I decided to post this. For two main reasons actually. First, because I wanted to stress and say how important it is to allow yourself to feel low at times. I try bottling everything in and I know it is unhealthy. Second, Instagram is a big help!

Without even posting what was up with me, people on my Insta unknowingly helped me divert my mind while I suffered through it all! I didn't say a word about feeling sad or being so scared. I kept my happy face on as I interacted with other Instagrammers. Nobody knew. Not even a single one of them. Yet, they all helped me get through my rough patch. You know how? Simply by being humane and kind and nice. Simply by being what every single human in real-life off of Instagram should be like. I have miserable luck with real-world friends. I've blogged about it several times too. I invest way too much of myself to get nothing in return. I have tried time and time again but it has happened every single time. I've treated people so well, just like they were my family but they've walked out on me with some kind of selfishly brutal reason to give. You’d think you’d get used to it but you don’t. I've learnt to accept it but no, you never get over it and you can never not feel bad about it. On the other hand, people I have on my Instagram - these complete strangers - they're the sweetest humans I have ever come across. I'd give a special mention to the Pottergram here because they're some of the sweetest folks to ever exist, but even non Potter Instagrammers ... SUCH NICE PEOPLE!

So I really wanna say I LOVE YOU to every single kind soul who is on my Instagram! Thanks for being there, being humane and better than real world folks! This message is posted on my grid as well, a shorter version of it of course, but I felt I really needed to put it out there through my blog. Not many people realize how they help others get through their worst of times just by being sweet. Not many people know how to be sweet to make people feel good. So it is very important for me to stop today and acknowledge how deeply I appreciate the good folks who make me feel good. I'm very near to having a thousand followers on my Insta any day now and I appreciate and thank every one of them! Thank you to every single Insta buddy who helps me keep my rainbow bright. Thank you to every single Instagrammer because of whom I can fight through the low parts of life, tell myself 'I got this!' and keep going! THANK YOU INSTAGRAM FOR THE LOVE AND THE SUPPORT!

If you're a sweetheart too and wanna come join me on my Insta where such sweet people exist find me here! I need more of you folks in my life!

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