Sunday, November 25, 2018

You're a Good Friend If You ...

Listen to me ...
If you're a friend and you have no patience for listening to what I have to say, you're just not friend enough. I listen to people - their problems, their happiness, their concerns, their overthinking, everything! So when it comes to me why should I have to bottle things up? You're a good friend if you can listen to me sincerely - for the sole purpose of listening to me so I feel like I shared my brain's contents with someone, not because you intend to spread rumors or gossip with that information later. Sometimes all a person needs to stay sane is to share their thoughts and know that there was someone who cared enough to listen.

Hate when I hate ...
In my opinion if your friend tells you somebody is bothering them or being mean, rude, or evil your job as a friend is to agree and act as appropriate. If you're telling me xyz is bad to you I will listen to your story, and unless I know you're lying (due to contrary evidence), I will support you in abusing/cursing/hating them. But when it is my turn and I tell you that xyz on my side is evil DO NOT try to justify the demons' devilishness by cooking up excuses for them. You're my friend, not their's. When someone has wronged me and it is bad enough that I decide to confide in you DO NOT tell me things like 'they may have had a reason' or 'maybe that's not what they meant' or 'strange, that's not what they seem like' ... NO! If you expect me to hate the people who wrong you then you're required to do the same.

Have time for me ...
So you're my 'friend' but you never have time for me. Well, surprise surprise - you're not a good friend. I understand that life can get hectic and being busy is normal. That happens with me too. But if you're seen on social media and appear 'online' on whatsapp and you still don't have time for me then you can pretty much go flush your face in the toilet ... because you, my darling, are a pathetic friend. In fact you're not a friend at all. Friends are there for each other when need arises. It can't possibly be that in DAYS you don't even find a second to simply text a hello. In twenty four hours, maybe. In two days, three, four ... you could be busy as anything. But honestly, all it takes is a minute to at least type a simple one liner, "Hey, I'm really busy but I love you and I'll get back asap!" When life makes me extra busy and I feel like there is someone I haven't replied back to I make it a point to text them a quick 'brb'. So when I can do it so can everybody else.

Are loyal ...
If you're my friend your loyalty has to stay regardless of whether I'm present or not. A good friend will never gossip about you, never speak ill of you behind your back, and never support anything that's anti you. Even if I'm not around, the loyalty has to stay rock solid! When I make friends I stay extra loyal and expect the same loyalty in return. Loyalty is in fact the foundation of a good friendship.

This entry has been written for November Journaling Month 2018

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