Saturday, April 4, 2020

Despair as the Wizarding World Shuts Down

2020 has been very eventful and for all the wrong reasons so far. The Coronapocalypse has me going crazy with stress. People dying all around, many more fighting for their lives as they struggle to try and catch enough air to breathe, others fearing the virus will catch up to them ... it's like a dark cloud has come upon us, refusing to move away and let the light shine through. It's so very depressing to hear and watch as the virus not-so-slowly continues to ruin our precious world and our beloved lives.

When the virus news first began spreading around I thought it was something that would pass and so I began praying for the world to get better. But because I stay away from the news and try to stay away from all the negative stuff happening in the world, somewhere in my heart, even though I knew how terrible the virus was, it just did not sink in. It just didn't affect me as much as it did when I heard the world was shutting down. My precious Wizarding World was shutting down. As Universal Orlando announced they were closing down the parks despair sank in - for real. This was bad.

I felt horrible. First Disney announced their closure and then my Wizarding World shut down. Dementors were taking over ... they really were taking over. These are my happy places in the world. They are the places where, even though I'm not present there, I feel my bliss. These are the places that keep me happy just knowing they exist in the same twisted world that I live in. And my happy place was shutting down ... this was bad.

Knowing those beloved streets would be empty. The snow covered Hogsmeade would have nobody walking around those magical streets. Hogwarts will be there to welcome everyone home but there will be nobody standing outside, admiring its beauty. There will be nobody entering the magical brick entrance to Diagon Alley. Would it have sealed itself? No hustle and bustle in its busy streets. Storefronts with their magical displays would stand unnoticed. Would they have stopped moving? Knocturn Alley would be as eerie as ever - dark and empty. Would the shrunken heads still be singing from that window? Gringotts's dragon would be snoring, quiet and sad with nobody watching it breathe fire. Would it have flown away? Would it only return when we were allowed to return? Platform Nine and Three Quarters would be deserted. Would the entrance have sealed too? The Hogwarts Express wouldn't be running at all. When Kreacher would poke his head out the window nobody would be there standing outside Grimmauld Place ...

It breaks my heart. I don't want to live in a world where my happy places have shut down. I just can't stand to live like this. The Dementors have surely taken over and we must all come together to cast the greatest and strongest Patronus charm to have ever been cast. We can all do this. So stay at home fellow witches and wizards and make sure your muggles do the same. Together, lets all think about our happy memories of the Wizarding World and cast a super strong Patronus to drive these Dementors away for good!!! The sooner we can all come together, the sooner we can beat these Dementors!

Sending you all lots of Lumos and hoping to receive some myself!
May we all get through this super soon, may the Dementors leave us alone and never return, and may our beloved Wizarding World reopen so we can all feel the happiness in our hearts again!
Remember, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome us home!
Remember, help will always be given at Hogwarts to those of us who ask for it!
Remember, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to switch on the light!
We can survive this.
We can get through this, together, with magic and hope!


Come find me and my Potterhead lifestyle:

My sister is doing the Potterific A to Z too! Follow Abbie's Potterific A to Z entries on her blog right here!

This entry belongs to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge 2020 - The Potterific A to Z.
For a full list of all of my entries this year click here!


  1. Aww, it's so sad to see all these magical places closing.I love the quotes you've used, especially the one about remembering to switch on the light. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I love Harry Potter and might have to delve into the books again for a bit of escapism.

    1. Yes yes yes, please do! Nothing raises my spirits than a re-read of Harry Potter!!! :)
      Stay safe and I hope we all get through this soon!
