Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Yucky Bertie Botts

I could talk about how I first found them. I could talk about how pretty they looked. I could talk about the beautiful packaging or the fun display inside Honeydukes. I could also talk about how awesome I felt buying them and bringing them home and adding them to my collection. I could also talk about how delicious some of the flavors were. BUT. Not today. Today, I am going to talk about how disgusting some of the flavors in the Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans box are.

They are SERIOUSLY disgusting. Like, really really really disgusting. Like the kind of disgusting that would make you wish you had never tasted it in the first place! The truth is I'd bought these Bertie Botts only and only for the packaging. They came in a gorgeous metallic box without which my Potter collection wouldn't have been complete (more on that later!). I bought these for the box, for the look of it - not the taste - because somewhere I knew those flavors didn't just sound inappropriate, they WERE going to be wrong too! Hahahahahaha!

Oh, trust me, Abbie and I tried some. It was the worst taste ever. That vomit flavor? Yes, actual vomit. Me being the person who has always had a weak stomach since I was a kid, I understand vomit way better than anyone else does. So when I say this, I really do mean it - that vomit is actual VOMIT! No kidding! Hahahahaha! I truly wonder and am extremely fascinated with how they must have actually made it. Like how do you reproduce the taste of puke? Disgusting and yet so fascinating! Hahahaha!!! Then there are those other disgusting ones like grass, soap, EARWAX, black pepper, dirt, rotten egg, earthworm, bogey .... ughkhhhhkhkhkhhhhkkkhhhh! I can't even!!! Just the thought of what happened to us as we tasted those flavors gives me a fresh wave of nausea.

The yucky ones out of the Bertie Botts are so disgusting that I actually don't even recall if I ever got to taste some of the normal ones like blueberry, tutti frutti, sherbet lemon, cherry, and etc. Now, I say this once again ... to be very very honest, I got the Bertie Botts entirely because I wanted to have that metal box in my shelf with all my other Potter merch. Abbie and I knew they'd be really bad even when we were buying them because we'd tasted the Jelly Belly versions before and they'd been terrible too. So we literally bought these just for the box that contains the disgusting inside it! Hahahahaha! If someone's looking to get these for the flavors ... err, no, just no - unless you want that box or unless you're a fan of vomit flavor! Okay, forget I even said that!!! *runs to the loo in case she hurls*

Come find me and my Potterhead lifestyle:

My sister is doing the Potterific A to Z too! Follow Abbie's Potterific A to Z entries on her blog right here!

This entry belongs to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge 2020 - The Potterific A to Z.
For a full list of all of my entries this year click here!


  1. I feel queasy just thinking about tasting those flavors. *gag*

  2. Wait - they really do have vomit and earwax flavors? Oh my.
    Congratulations on your A to Z!

    1. Hahaha yes they do and they are disgusting! :D
      Thank you!
