Saturday, July 28, 2018

Welcoming Professor Snape Home!

"Professor Quirrell, in his absurd turban, was talking to a teacher with greasy black hair, a hooked nose, and sallow skin." ...
"Who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?" he asked Percy.
"Oh, you know Quirrell already, do you? No wonder he's looking so nervous, that's Professor's Snape. He teaches Potions, but he doesn't want to - everyone knows he's after Quirrell's job. Knows an awful lot about the Dark Arts, Snape."

- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

From the first mention of his greasy black hair in the book, Snape was always special. Whether it was hating him for being the bully-teacher Harry loathed or loving him for his heroic ways and attempts to save Harry's life, Snape was always there and always one of the most prominent characters. While the story of the Boy Who Lived was so important, to me the story of what I call the Boy Who Loved was just as equally significant. Had Snape not been there, Harry would probably have never even made it alive. Severus Snape, the misunderstood and the most doubted and judged character of all is one of my favorites and so I decided I just HAD to get his Funko Pop!

Once again, as always, they've got Snape's Funko figure hundred percent right. He literally does look like he'd speak out in Alan Rickman's voice any second, "Mr. Potter, our new ... celebrity." He has that serious expression down, his outfit is perfect, and his sleek hair are perfect too. I'm just in awe of how the Funko figures are so spot on. These three-ish inch figures actually have so much character you'd think they'd come to life!

Snape's Funko looks at you with the same seriousness as Rickman's Snape does in the movies. There's no warmth in his eyes and, just as the book describes, they make you think of dark tunnels. His hair fall on either side of his face, sticking to it thanks to the grease. It's brilliantly real!

What I love the most about Snape's Funko though is his outfit. I think it's what makes the Funko look absolutely real. He's wearing his usual 'billowing black robe' which I've come to love thanks to the movies. If you look close enough you'll even catch Snape's rigid posture. The fist looks clenched like he just spotted his oh-so-favorite Potter boy and in his other arm he is holding his wand.

Is it just my imagination or does his hair actually look extra shiny and greasy? I checked to see if they described the greasy look for the Funko but couldn't find it. I guess it's just Snape's effect? I could swear the pop has a shine to its hair!

The pop is brilliant! I am super happy to have Snape join my ever growing Funko collection. I'd had my eyes on him for so so long and I finally get to place him in my Potterhead's Corner shelf. How AWESOME is that?! I guess it's time to update my Harry Potter Funko Wish List now!

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